WASHINGTON-The White House policy of banning Democratic donors from U.S. telecom delegations appears at odds with a new government report that stresses the importance of having industry experts on the American negotiating team, but dodges the overriding controversy of injecting politics into delegation membership....
WASHINGTON-Members of the House Commerce Committee led by Reps. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) and Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.), co-chairs of the Congressional E911 Caucus, urged congressional appropriators last week to fully fund E911 grants and the Joint Program Office created in a bill signed by President...
WASHINGTON-Members of the House Commerce Committee led by Reps. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) and Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.), co-chairs of the Congressional E911 Caucus, urged congressional appropriators Tuesday to fully fund E911 grants and the Joint Program Office created in a bill signed by President George...
WASHINGTON-The Bush administration went into retreat last week after the White House confirmed a report on the removal of four members from a U.S. telecom delegation in Guatemala City because of their campaign contributions to Democrats. The White House refused to return calls requesting...
WASHINGTON-A Bush administration spokesman is quoted as defending the removal of at least four members from the U.S. delegation participating in this week's Inter-American Telecommunication Commission in Guatemala City because they contributed to the 2004 presidential campaign of Sen. John Kerry (D). The White...
WASHINGTON-With a little more than a month to go before an implementation plan is delivered to President George W. Bush, the federal government has yet to decide which spectrum will be used for a federal/non-federal spectrum-sharing test bed."We haven't come to a firm agreement...
WASHINGTON-After years of fighting and lobbying, public safety scored a major victory late last year with the passage of the Enhanced 911 Act, but it now appears to be a hollow victory. When President George W. Bush presented his budget request to Congress Feb....
WASHINGTON-The Federal Communications Commission is investigating reports that Wi-Fi devices were responsible for disrupting radar at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, a probe that comes amid the Bush administration's failure to date to craft a solution that would enable wireless Internet operations in...
WASHINGTON-Nearly two years after the Bush administration announced an agreement to free 5 GHz frequencies for Wi-Fi technology without causing interference to military radar systems, government and industry officials have yet to settle on a solution that fully resolves technical and national security issues....
WASHINGTON-The Federal Communications Commission plans to begin auctioning spectrum occupied today by the federal government in the summer of 2006, according to notification sent last week to the National Telecommunications & Information Administration. President George W. Bush signed the Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act on...
WASHINGTON—The Federal Communications Commission plans to begin auctioning spectrum occupied today by the federal government in the summer of 2006, according to notification sent last week to the National Telecommunications & Information Administration.President George W. Bush signed the Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act on Dec....
WASHINGTON-Minutes (literally) before the Senate adjourned for the year, it managed to pass a troika of important wireless bills-spectrum relocation, enhanced 911 upgrades and universal service. "It was dicey. There was never a moment until it got done that we were confident that it...
WASHINGTON-President Bush last week signed an executive order directing federal agencies to implement recommendations in two spectrum reports, while a more pressing White House initiative to earmark military frequencies for third-generation wireless systems remains in limbo on Capitol Hill as lawmakers return this week...
WASHINGTON-Lawmakers this week are expected to tackle legislation critical to successful implementation of the Bush third-generation spectrum plan, a last-ditch effort for this year that comes as industry, military and administration officials show evidence of improved cooperation in balancing economic and security requirements for...
WASHINGTON-Despite the Republican sweep in last week's elections, wholesale changes could be in store at the Federal Communications Commission at a time when the drumbeat is growing louder for an overhaul of the 1996 telecom act. Until the likely changes shake out, the impact...
WASHINGTON-Wireless attorney John Kneuer has been appointed deputy director of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. Kneuer joined the agency last October as counselor to then-acting NTIA head Michael Gallagher. President Bush recently gave Gallagher a recess appointment, allowing him to serve through November...
WASHINGTON-Michael Gallagher has been sworn in as head of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, effectively bypassing the eight-month hold on his nomination by Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.).Gallagher, who received a recess appointment by President Bush, will serve through November 2005. He was sworn...
WASHINGTON-Michael Gallagher has been sworn in as head of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, effectively bypassing the eight-month hold on his nomination by Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.).Gallagher, who received a recess appointment by President Bush, will serve through November 2005. He was sworn...
WASHINGTON-President Bush said he intends to give a recess appointment to Michael Gallagher to be director of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.Gallagher currently is acting head NTIA, a Commerce Department unit that advises the president on telecom policy and manages federal government spectrum....
WASHINGTON-Five percent of the nation's broadcasters are holding the nation hostage by refusing to give back their spectrum, which has been allocated to public safety, charged Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.). "Because of broadcaster intransigence, some 5 percent of the TV stations in the U.S....
WASHINGTON-A new congressional report concludes the existing spectrum-management regime does not promote efficient use of the nation's airwaves and needs repair, a finding that comes as the Bush administration prepares to release its own spectrum findings. "The current structure and management of spectrum...
WASHINGTON-Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) wants excess revenue from a future third-generation mobile-phone auction to help fund deployment of enhanced 911 service, according to sources. The plan could potentially complicate passage of relocation fund legislation previously hamstrung by a controversial amendment that...
WASHINGTON-U.S. officials are close to delivering potentially far-reaching spectrum reports to President Bush, culminating a year-long review at a time when development of third-generation mobile-phone and wireless Internet services are being hindered by the kind of regulatory, legislative and bureaucratic obstacles the White House...
WASHINGTON-The Wireless Communications Association announced industry pioneer Craig McCaw will deliver the keynote address at its annual show taking place in Washington, D.C., June 2.Other speakers will include FCC Chairman Michael Powell, Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce and NTIA Administrator Michael Gallagher, and FCC...