MCI Communications Corp. is going to resell cellular service from arch competitor AT&T Corp? What is the world coming to?Chaos, I say.There is no orderly development in this brave new world of wireless telecommunications. Perhaps chaos is a side dish to progress.Even as the...
The cellular industry is getting ready to enter its teen years and-just like human counterparts-is expected to be affected by growing pains, although they're more likely to be technological than hormonal.And while during these turbulent teen years, one may wonder why the industry didn't...
All's fair in love and war.And wireless telecommunications competition is beginning to look like a battlefield. But not necessarily the "level" playing (battle)field government keeps trying to create when crafting rules for wireless services.PCS may be a new frontier for the wireless telecom nation,...
When it rains, it pours.That phrase certainly has been true for news taking place the last two weeks in the wireless industry.The U.S. digital standards war is getting ready to wage battle as PCS PrimeCo L.P.-the consortium of Nynex Corp., Bell Atlantic Corp., U...
It looks like the local Bell companies, long-distance telephone carriers and cable TV operators are one step closer to being able to compete in each other's backyard, as the House Commerce Committee passed telecommunications reform legislation. The bill is set to go befoe the...
The Federal Communications Commission ruled earlier this month that state public utilities commissions can no longer regulate local rates of commercial wireless carriers. This ruling affects not only the cellular industry, but the paging, specialized mobile radio and new personal communications services industries as...
As the onset of narrowband personal communications services nears, the industry is abuzz about what promises to be the next wave of wireless wonder. But for many narrowband providers-to-be, it is only a natural extension of one-way paging.Two camps have emerged among advanced messaging...
Editor's Note: The following information is a Smith Barney Inc. analysis released April 28. From time to time, RCR plans to print investment opinions and summaries about publicly traded telecommunications companies as a service to its readers.Dial Page Inc. recently reported its first quarter 1995...
Editor's Note: The following information is a Smith Barney Inc. analysis released April 28. From time to time, RCR plans to print investment opinions and summaries about publicly traded telecommunications companies as a service to its readers.Dial Page Inc. recently reported its first quarter 1995...
The Federal Communications Commission set an Aug. 2 date to begin the proceedings when Telephone Electronics Corp.-after aligning itself with PCS PrimeCo L.P., the consortium of three Baby Bells and AirTouch Communications-dropped its lawsuit challenging FCC rules that give bidding preferences to women and...
Many a garried employee trying to fill out paterwork to comply with Federa Communications Commission regulations probably agrees wholeheartedly with the Progress & Freedom Foundation, a high-tech think tank studying a plan to replace the FCC with a drastically scaled-down version of the agency....
Editor's note: After only a little more than a year as chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Reed Hundt has spearheaded some of the most dramatic changes ever for the wireless communications industry. He has, in effect, redesigned an industry by creating a commercial mobil...
True, America views the nation's capital with a jaundiced eye. And well it should. The system is broke and needs fixing. Lobbyists, special interest money and lawmakers-for-life control the ways and means by which business-as-usual is carried out on Capitol Hill. It is pronounced...
Hail the birth of broadband PCS! Hail more competition in the marketplace! And hail to what likely will be continued growth for the wireless industry!But while the industry revels in its inaugural week of auctions to award broadband PCS licenses, some techno-types are working...
The Oct. 28 deadlind for those applying with the Federal Communications Commission to participate in next month's auction for broadband personal communications services licenses has come and gone.And with it comes the end of the anticipation, hype and hoopla-for now-over the courtships and possible...
The Federal Communications Commission is experiencing a metamorphosis: Established as a custodian of the public airwaves in the interest of the public, it has become a cash cow for the U.S. treasury.The FCC is on the brink of going auction mad, with seemingly little regard...
Who's the Federal Communications Commission fooling with all this talk of "designated entities," or providing incentives-and frequencies-for small businesses, women and minorities in the upcoming PCS auctions?The FCC, a victim itself in all of this as a result of a considerable amount of back-shoving...
Nothing can replace the World Series, which was canceled last week along with the remainder of the major league baseball season after millionaire players and owners failed to agree who among them was neediest.Maybe Reed Hundt, a lawyer with antitrust expertise who now chairs...