As one company fine-tunes its debut for narrowband personal communications services, others bide their time by determining market position and devising rollout strategies.SkyTel Corp.-through its PCS bidding entity Destineer Corp.-plans to activate its nationwide two-way advanced messaging service during the second half of the...
WASHINGTON-In a major setback for states, the Federal Communications Commission ruled public utility commissions cannot regulate local rates of commercial wireless carriers.The FCC on May 11 rejected petitions from Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Louisiana, New York and Ohio seeking to retain rate regulation of...
Editor's Note: The following information is a Smith Barney Inc. analysis released April 28. From time to time, RCR plans to print investment opinions and summaries about publicly traded telecommunications companies as a service to its readers.Dial Page Inc. recently reported its first quarter 1995...
Punctuating the onset of narrowband personal communications services, Motorola Inc.'s new InFLEXion messaging protocol is among a family of protocols the company expects to become the new paging standard.Distinguished by its voice and two-way data capabilities, speed, capacity and frequency reuse, InFLEXion reportedly is...
In India, where basic telephone service is scarce and telecommunications unfamiliar, the introduction of paging technology promises new opportunities for both service providers and consumers.After the Indian government opened the paging market last year, granting 94 licenses in 27 cities among 15 companies, partners...
DALLAS-Paging Network Inc. announced its first quarter financial results. Net revenues reached $121.5 million, a 34 percent increase from $90.7 million for the same quarter last year. The quarter ended with a net loss of $6.8 million, or 13 cents per share, compared with...
The Post and Telecommunication Administration in the Zhejiang Province of China is reconfiguring its existing paging network, based on Motorola Inc.'s M15 series paging terminals, with an order valued at more than $3 million for new Digital Communications Frame-based paging infrastructure equipment.Motorola's Paging Products...
L.M. Ericsson introduced the Prism HP portable, which the company says is its smallest, lightest and most sophisticated high specification radio. It is designed to meet worldwide user requirements and can be programmed to work on both Enhanced Digital Access Communications Systems trunked or...
After 13 years helping grow what today is the nation's largest paging company, Terry Scott, Paging Network Inc.'s president and chief executive officer, is stepping down, disclosing no future career plans."It's a great company," said Scott. "But it's a very different company today than...
WASHINGTON-A new government study says minorities may have to adopt nontraditional financing strategies to break into the telecommunications market. The report, issued by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, concludes accessing capital through traditional sources, like banks, continues to be the major barrier to...
In pursuit of providing consumers with voice paging service, Paging Network Inc. announced its new VoiceNow advanced messaging service will use Motorola Inc.'s InFLEXion technology.InFLEXion is the fastest paging protocol available, enabling two-way voice and data communications at speeds up to 10 times faster...
MELBOURNE, Fla.-Skydata Inc. will deliver satellite data broadcast equipment to EuroCall's paging network in the Republic of Hungary, Skydata announced.The paging network, which uses Glenayre Technologies Inc.'s ERMES paging system, will include as many as 100 remote paging transmitters. A Skydata satellite paging receiver...
More than 50 million people in the Asia-Pacific region will be subscribing to cellular services by the year 2004, and as many as 66 million will be carrying pagers, according to a new report from London-based CIT Research Ltd.In "Mobile Communications in Asia &...
BEIJING-Nokia Corp., the giant Finnish mobile telephone company, plans to form its sixth manufacturing joint venture in China under a contract, initially valued at $10 million, with the Chinese Posts and Telecommunications Industrial Corp.The partnership, Beijing Nokia Mobile Telecommunications Ltd., will produce Global System...
Arch Communication Group Inc. said it has acquired Professiona Paging & Radio Inc., a privately owned paging business with operations in Florida, for $3 million in cash. PoePage's operations will become a part of Arch Southeast Communications Inc. TEh acquisition incresases Arch's total cousomer...
FORT LEE, N.J.-As part of the company's plan to offer nationwide service, paging service provider Tri-State Radio Co. said it intends to purchase satellite uplinking equipment and receivers from Skydata Inc., valued at $2 million.Beginning next month, Tri-State's service will included redundant uplinking hubs...
DALLAS-PageMart Inc. is extending its paging coverage in the Caribbean to meet the demand of travelers in the region, the company said.Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and the Bahamas soon will receive new or expanded paging service from PageMart Inc. "Pick-Your-Cities" allows tourists and...
AirTouch Communications, a partner in Globalstar L.P. - one of three low-earth-orbit statellites recently licensed by the government is pursuing satellite-based mobile communications in Japan through a joint venture with Japanese trading company, Itochu Corp. AirTouch has globalstar service provider rights in several countries...
The European Commission is considering a recommendation that would accelerate by two years the 1998 deadline set to end state monopolies of mobile communication services in the European Union.The proposal under consideration would require EU member governments to offer full liberalization of new telecommunications...
SAN JOSE, Calif.-Digital Microwave Corp. reported net income of $2.8 million, or 20 cents per share, for the third quarter fiscal 1995, period ended Dec. 31, compared with a net loss of $25.4 million, or $2.03 per share, the same period last year.Net sales...
The road to wireless telecom headquarters these days seems to lead to the nation's Lone Star state. Dallas, the eighth largest city in the country, has captured the interest of some of the industry's largest players.Nokia Corp. is said to be looking for a...
FAIRFIELD, N.J.-Satellite Paging and its sister company Message Network announced their reorganization plan has been confirmed in federal court. The companies filed for reorganization under Chapter 11 bankruptcy in December 1993."The companies restructured debt will be about 40 percent of pre-organization levels," said Chief...
PLANO, Texas-ProNet Inc. signed letters of intent to purchase the paging assets of four privately owned companies for a total of $9.5 million.The companies are Lewis Paging Inc. of Georgia, Gold Coast Paging Inc. of Florida, Denton Enterprises Inc. of Virginia and MetroTones Inc....
Recently, the Senate Commerce Committee approved "The Telecommunications Competition and Deregulation Act of 1995," which included the following provision: "Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary*...*an electric, gas, water, or steam utility, and any subsidiary company, affiliate or associate company of such a...