The two-way paging system recently launched by SkyTel Corp. is reasonably priced and clearly takes the paging industry across the threshold into next-century applications, say wireless analysts."The market is going to be very competitive on price," said Heidi Bomengen, associate director for the telecommunications...
Two-way paging provides a ramp of opportunity for handheld computers, but the telecommunications industry and computer manufacturers still have a few differences to overcome.For instance, telecommunications operators give away cellular phones to sign up customers for service, or lease the device to the user....
ORLANDO, Fla.-A cellular phone battery with a built-in numeric pager has been introduced by Motorola Inc.'s Paging Products Group, in what the company says is a response to market demand.The battery slides onto the back of any Motorola MicroTac or retail pocket personal cellular...
ORA Electronics introduced Travel Talk, a hands-free speaker phone for portable cellular phones. The unit can be transferred from one vehicle to another providing hands-free conversations without compromising the convenience of a portable cellular phone, said ORA. Travel Talk also serves as a power...
DALLAS-Westlink Paging Inc. and Paging Network Inc. have entered into reciprocal agreements to provide the other's paging services in specific market areas, announced PageNet.PageNet's network covers broad geographic areas covering more than 90 percent of the U.S. population, said the company. But while its...
Sue Cardillo was named manager of public affairs at AT&T Wireless Services. Cardillo will be responsible for media relations, charitable giving, community relations and employee communications. She has 10 years experience in the public relations field, most recently as the senior media/community relations specialist...
DALLAS-Paging Network Inc. said it will provide and market wireless messaging services for the Sharp Zaurus keyboard-enhanced personal digital assistant.PageNet said it will offer the Zaurus and the messaging solution-including paging receiver, software and service-on a nationwide basis. The company reported the offering will...
Notable Technologies Inc. of Bellevue, Wash., has partnered with the National Dispatch Center Inc. to develop and deliver information services for paging, Cellular Digital Packet Data and personal communications services networks. Notable will serve as NDC's preferred provider of personal information services to be...
AT&T's cellular and paging division and its wireless equipment business will soon belong to separate and independent publicly traded companies under AT&T Corp.'s plan to completely restructure the organization.AT&T Chairman Robert Allen announced the board of directors last month approved plans to divide the...
Accelerating consolidation in the wireless industry engulfs yet another prominent company as MobileMedia Corp. agrees to acquire BellSouth Corp.'s MobileComm paging subsidiary and its two-way nationwide narrowband personal communications services license for a total of $945 million, the largest acquisition ever in the paging...
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.-The U.S. mobile communications services market is projected to more than triple from $26.3 billion in 1994 to $92.5 billion by the year 2001, according to a new study from Frost & Sullivan Inc.The share of total mobile market revenues going to...
WASHINGTON-All the turmoil, chaos and confusion of merging two major trade associations and sponsoring a huge industry conference in a year's time might drive one to write one of those heart-felt country and western songs that Personal Communications Industry Association President Jay Kitchen likes...
udith St. Ledger-Roty and Lee Rau Inherent in the co-carrier status the Federal Communications Commission has expressly granted the wireless industry, including paging, cellular and personal communications services, is the right to fair and reasonable interconnection with the local exchange carriers.Among other things, this...
In the nation's capital, where I work, it's not uncommon to be approached on the sidewalk by strangers handing out leaflets. Typically, these are advertisements for coupons for local restaurants, delis and shops. I know this because I never refuse to accept one of...
CHARLOTTE, N.C.-Shinawatra Paging of Thailand has chosen Glenayre Technologies Inc. to supply infrastructure equipment for the second phase of its system expansion.Glenayre said it will provide nearly 300 high-performance paging transmitters and a control system using global positioning satellite service. GPS allows simulcasting, when...
GENEVA-Glenayre Technologies Inc. has introduced a series of transmitters specifically designed for operation in Asia's 280 to 320 MHz band.The transmitters, GL-T8521 and GL-T8321, incorporate a true digital signal processing exciter to support numerous protocols, including POCSAG, Motorola Inc.'s FLEX, the European Radio Messaging...
BOYNTON BEACH, Fla.-Motorola Inc.'s Embarc Communication Services division and CNBC have formed a 10-year, multimillion dollar alliance in which the companies will develop and market wireless financial news and information services via CNBC's 24-hour cable TV network.The news services will be transmitted over Motorola...
HONG KONG-Two Chinese paging operators have chosen Motorola Inc. to provide a paging network using the Illinois-based company's high-speed FLEX paging protocol.Chinese paging provider Beijing First Star has selected FLEX for its nationwide paging network. When fully installed at the end of the year,...
BOGOTA, Colombia-NSN Network Services Ltd. said it installed Colombia's nationwide satellite paging system for Vipertronic of Bogota.Vipertronic will provide local and national paging services in Colombia using NSN's Gilat Oneway satellite uplink in Bogota. Vipertronic plans to operate the system as a shared hub...
ProNet Inc. signed letters of intent to acquire four paging operations for a combined purchase price of $20.2 million. ProNet said it plans to acquire Williams Metro Communications Corp. and affiliates of Tallahassee, Fla., Reisenweaver Communications Inc. of Winston/Salem, N.C., Total Communications Inc. of...
RIDGELAND, Miss.-MobileComm, the paging subsidiary of BellSouth Corp., and ReadyCom Inc. have entered an agreement whereby MobileComm plans to offer ReadyTalk service in its markets.ReadyTalk, conceived by Chapel Hill, N.C.-based ReadyCom, offers two-way messaging based on patented store-and-forward technology and transmits over the spare...
WASHINGTON-Congress' desire to raise $14 billion over the next seven years from expanded spectrum auctions has turned into a fierce debate about whether that goal can be attained without auctioning digital TV broadcast channels.The controversy has major economic and a competitive implications for the...
Tonawanda, N.Y.-based Sinclabs, a division of Sinclair Technologies, announced its Excelsior antenna line, which consists of low band, 1/4 wave, 220 MHz, wideband UHF/VHF, cellular trunking, no ground plane and true 2dB wide band antennas. The Excelsior SVB1482 antenna is a wideband mobile antenna...
ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill.-Pilipino Telephone Corp. awarded Motorola Inc.'s International Cellular Infrastructure Division a $270 million contract to expand and enhance its Mobiline cellular phone system, said Motorola.The initial phase of the multi-year contract will replace metropolitan Manila's current Advanced Mobile Phone System and U.S....