More Friday market figures for you; these provide a definitive evergreen overview of the smart metering market, arguably, as follows…
The total number of smart meters in the world will double over the next decade, from 1.7 billion at the end of 2023 to 3.4...
Note this article is continued from a previous entry, under the title ‘Cellular has changed’ – eSIM positions cellular IoT for energy transition. Click here for the previous instalment.
But, as said, metering is a weird game, which employs different technologies in different local markets...
The war in Ukraine is being fought through many unconventional means. One of the most prominent relates to energy supply and dependence. In 2021, about two-fifths of the gas that Europeans burned came from Russia. The war has boosted already high prices of oil...
The city of Portland in Maine, in the US, has migrated its smart street lights onto a cloud management platform (CMS) from California-headquartered Dhyan Networks and Technologies, and away from smart lighting company Echelon. It is the same switchover carried out by the town...
A hybrid version of the ST8500 system-on-chip (SoC) from Switzerland-headquartered STMicroelectronics has been certified for both power-line and wireless communications. It is the first chipset to receive the new ‘hybrid’ G3-PLC power-line and wireless certificate, published in March, from the G3-PLC Alliance for smart-grid,...
Germany has a good model for the adoption of renewable energy resources. The country has an aggressive decarbonisation agenda as part of its energiewende (‘energy transition’). It shut down seven reactors after the nuclear disaster at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi plant in 2011, has since...
Note, this article is serialised from a report on the state of the smart energy market. It continues from a previous post.Go here for the last post; go here for the full report.
The case for industrial IoT in the power market, both sides of the meter,...