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Reality Check: First thoughts on the FCC Report and Order

The FCC Report and Order that wasn’t On March 12, the Federal Communications Commission released the 400-page Open Internet Report and Order. Think of this as part one of a dramatic miniseries on Internet regulation, which you would prefer to turn off after the first hour...

FAA proposes guidelines for commercial drones

Regulations for drones in the works WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration last month released its proposed framework of regulations that would allow routine use of unmanned aircraft systems – drones – for commercial purposes. Until recently, the use of UAS in...

Analyst Angle: Grading the FCC on net neutrality: fail

Unless you have been staring at your TV/PC screen waiting for “House of Cards” to load since Friday and watched or read nothing else, you have no doubt heard about the Federal Communications Commission's recent net neutrality vote and ruling. The timing of the...

Reality Check: Fair for whom? RIP, unlimited Internet

As expected, last week was full of rhetoric with respect to the Federal Communications Commission’s pending Open Internet Order. Pictured below is Verizon Communications' response typed in Morse Code – a brilliant PR move, although one unlikely to help their position with the FCC. As...

Telecom operators decidedly mixed on FCC’s net neutrality move

AT&T, Verizon opposed; T-Mobile US cautious; Sprint in favor of net neutrality decision This week’s decision by the Federal Communications Commission to expand Title II regulatory authority over broadband services was greeted by cheers from dozens of people who attended the FCC meeting in person...

Reality Check: 4 questions for the FCC chairman

Many of you have called/written me about the general chatter regarding regulatory changes proposed by Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler. The telecom industry needs to take Aaron Rodgers’ advice and “r-e-l-a-x.” While it is strangely undemocratic that the FCC chairman would be very...

Questions remain over Dish Network and its Auction 97 DE partnerships

Dish Network DE partners SNR and Northstar snag $3B discount The recently completed Auction 97 proceedings witnessed a record amount of revenue generated by the federal government, highlighting the demand mobile operators place on wireless spectrum. However, the proceedings also showed that perhaps the Federal...

T-Mobile US settles with FTC on bill cramming claims

Carrier to pay at least $90 million in refunds, $22.5 million in fines Despite claims of a conspiracy, T-Mobile US today came to an agreement with the Federal Trade Commission to pay at least $22.5 million in fines tied to bill cramming. As part of the...

United States telecom companies allowed in Cuba

Policy Shift: United States telecom companies allowed in Cuba President Barack Obama made a historic announcement Wednesday by declaring that his administration is making a major shift in United States policy toward Cuba. The move will allow U.S. telecommunications companies to rollout infrastructure and provide...

Reality Check: A paid prioritization proposal

Editor’s Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column where C-level executives and advisory firms from across the mobile industry share unique insights and experiences. This week’s column continues the regulatory discussion started in late November focusing on the touchy issue of paid prioritization. To...

Reality Check: How should the government regulate Internet interconnections?

Editor’s Note: Welcome to our weekly Reality Check column where C-level executives and advisory firms from across the mobile industry share unique insights and experiences. DARPA, NSF and the commercialization of the Internet With the president’s support for increased regulation now publicly known (see the corresponding...

AT&T fined $23.8M for illegal disposal of hazardous waste

AT&T has agreed to pay a $23.8 million fine in California connected to unlawfully disposing of hazardous waste over a nine-year period. The settlement also calls for the telecom giant to spend $28 million over the next five years to update its environmental compliance...

#TBT: Verizon buys NextWave, targets AT&T; election set to impact FCC … 10 years ago this week

Editor’s Note: RCR Wireless News goes all in for “Throwback Thursdays,” tapping into our archives to resuscitate the top headlines from the past. Fire up the time machine, put on the sepia-tinted shades, set the date for #TBT and enjoy the memories! Verizon buys NextWave...