WASHINGTON-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld last week told lawmakers no decision has been reached on future military spectrum requirements, a response starkly at odds with top brass and one that comes as Rep. Chip Pickering (R-Miss.) moves closer to introducing legislation to force the Pentagon...
WASHINGTON-A congressional report due out later this summer is expected to determine that a Pentagon study-which cast doubt on making military spectrum available for third-generation wireless services-is incomplete and needs further study, a finding that could help industry as momentum gains in the Bush...
Oracle Corp. and Wingcast said they have formed a strategic alliance to develop new wireless telematics applications and services.As part of the alliance, Oracle and Wingcast immediately expect to begin work on a development center in San Diego to create, test and implement telematics...
Close below the surface of the third-generation mobile-phone spectrum debate is a technology war, the kind of feud industry thought was behind it and wanted to avoid as it tries to present a unified front in the campaign to wrestle away frequencies from the...
WASHINGTON-The Bush administration came under pressure from key Senate Democrats last week to require the Department of Defense to surrender spectrum sought by mobile-phone firms for third-generation wireless systems, a development with heavy political overtones and a sense of urgency that could further isolate...
WASHINGTON-China, the world's largest potential wireless export market, is on the verge of entering the World Trade Organization as officials wrap up negotiations to culminate a process that has been 15 years in the making.WTO officials last week said talks on China's application for...
The bad news for Globalstar Telecommunications Ltd. continues to mount following the filing of a second complaint by Ericsson Inc. against the mobile satellite communications provider, claiming Globalstar failed to buy the number of phones from Ericsson agreed to under contract.In May, Ericsson accused...
HELSINKI, Finland-Nokia Corp. has expanded its cross-license contract with Qualcomm Inc. to make and sell infrastructure equipment for all CDMA wireless systems while Qualcomm can market and sell Nokia's CDMA components, including multimode integrated circuits."Nokia will continue to pay royalties to Qualcomm for subscriber...
Mobile-phone maker LG InfoComm U.S.A. Inc. has been "in the closet, so to speak," according to Michele Thenegal, the company's marketing director.While LG InfoComm hasn't been completely dormant during its time in the closet-the company said it garnered about 11 percent of the U.S....
OTC WirelessOTC Wireless unveiled its AirEZY-Access Management Unit, a product designed to make managing LAN and MAN networks easier. "Our new AirEZY AMU allows for massive scalability coupled with many desired management capabilities," said Kim Gough director of sales and marketing for OTC Wireless....
In technology as in life, the last protocol on stage is the hero. While time will serve as jury in due course, for now the CDMA operators and manufacturers seem to be gloating, sometimes quietly and sometimes on rooftops, that they are a few...
NEW YORK-Korea Telecom Corp., South Korea's largest fixed-line telecommunications operator and second-largest mobile wireless carrier, raised $2.24 billion in American depository receipts sold June 28 to investors outside the country.The offering was part of the South Korean government's commitment to privatize many state-run companies...
The digital technology wars that marked the launch of second-generation services in the United States is one of the most storied and significant events in the industry's short history. In its infancy, the U.S. wireless industry adhered to a common analog standard-AMPS. The...
SEOUL, South Korea-South Korea is confronting a row over awarding a third license for third-generation (3G) mobile services, as the government has called for consolidation in the telecom market as a precondition for re-starting the long-delayed spectrum auction.The confusion was sparked in mid-June, when...
DENVER-Qwest Wireless last week filed to change its Enhanced 911 Phase II solution from a network-based solution to an assisted Global Positioning Satellite-or hybrid-solution.Qwest in November was one of the 14 carriers to file with the Federal Communications Commission for a network-based solution. Fifteen...
Verizon Wireless is considering either using wideband-CDMA technology as its third-generation network standard or adding the technology to its CDMA-based network. Company spokespeople assert the move is not new-or news-but it is nonetheless representative of the murky realm of 3G wireless issues and carriers'...
WASHINGTON-The White House, in the first official expression of wireless trade policy, said it supports technology neutrality but did not signal it planned to take as aggressive a stance as the previous administration in responding to the Korean government's manipulation of the licensing process...
HONG KONG-Not even torrential rains around portions of Hong Kong could dampen the spirits of CDMA supporters at the 3G World Congress. Even with the lack of sunshine outside, to go along with the lack of CDMA coverage for roaming, most attendees seemed bright...
Move over, Neville Chamberlain.Mobile-phone carriers in Great Britain and Germany last week struck a deal out of desperation, an arrangement with obvious policy implications that may or may not do the trick for third-generation wireless deployment in Europe.Indeed, the British Telecommunications plc-Deutsche Telekom arrangement...
BlackstoneBlackstone announced Elaine Moncayo has joined its marketing department as marketing coordinator. In her new position, she will be responsible for internal marketing, including newsletter, brochures, Web site updates and presentations. She will work with both Blackstone employees and distributors in Miami and across...
WASHINGTON-With Korea moving closer to awarding a controversial third-generation mobile-phone license that was set aside for cdma2000 technology last year, the White House is being urged to address an overseas government action that was firmly rejected by the previous administration.So far, the Bush administration...
Smart-phone company NeoPoint Inc. quietly closed its doors late last month, apparently exiting the industry it lit up only a few short years ago with its advanced phone/personal digital assistant offering.While the company hadn't yet filed as of Friday in the bankruptcy court that...
SAN DIEGO-Qualcomm Inc. says it has settled three lawsuits filed against it by former employees.The company said the California Superior Court ruled in its favor in the Hanig vs. Qualcomm case filed by 69 former employees, saying that the plaintiffs' agreement not to sue...
As it stands today, developers of wireless applications have to write those applications in a unique code-whether that be cHTML, VoXML, WML or XML-to make those applications recognizable to the wireless device. But if we look into the future, some unknown years ahead, we...