Editor's Note: The RCR research and editorial staffs have compiled this list of mobile satellite carriers based on survey responses and interviews with industry contacts. The chart is arranged alphabetically because most of the companies are not yet offering service.Many of the networks plan to...
3607 Communications Co. launched its Code Division Multiple Access digital cellular phone network in Las Vegas and is offering the service to new and existing customers.The system, which covers 85 percent of the company's analog traffic areas, will allow 3607 to increase network capacity...
Hong Kong's dominant cellular operator Hongkong Telecom said it deeply regrets that the government failed to award it one of six new wireless licenses, and intends to discuss the matter with Hong Kong officials.Fourteen companies bid for the 10-year personal communications services licenses offered...
SAN FRANCISCO-AirTouch Communications Inc.'s net income for the second quarter increased 58 percent to $61.2 million, or 12 cents per share, from $38.7 million, or 8 cents per share, for the second quarter 1995."During the quarter, worldwide demand for wireless services exceeded our most...
It probably wouldn't be a bad idea if all political news from here on in were tagged `Campaign '96.'Take the July 22 front-page piece by Washington Times reporter Frank J. Murray that brought late Commerce Secretary Ron Brown back to life to criticize the...
WASHINGTON-A group of 310 C-block personal communications services licenses should be issued within the next two weeks, but it is doubtful that those won by NextWave Personal Communications Inc., PCS 2000 L.P., DCR PCS Inc. and Meretel Communications L.P. will be among them.The Federal...
L.M. Ericsson has signed a three-year contract with JT Mobiles Ltd. to supply digital cellular Global System for Mobile communications systems in India. Ericsson said it will supply and install complete GSM systems for JT Mobiles' cellular operations in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Three...
WASHINGTON-Of the 89 winners of C-block personal communications services licenses last May, only four were singled out by seven other entities who seek to have the Federal Communications Commission either deny their licenses or to institute hearings on their suitability to own spectrum.DCR PCS...
Oh, the shifting winds of Washington.The bill-and-keep interconnection proposal has been called the greatest issue facing the cellular industry this year. And when the Federal Communications Commission last December an nounced it would propose reforms that would no longer force commercial mobile radio service...
Qualcomm Personal Electronics has won significant handset contracts from Sprint Spectrum L.P. and PrimeCo Personal Communications L.P., with a combined value of $850 million.The Sprint Spectrum agreement requires that Qualcomm begin shipping Code Division Multiple Access phones next month, a tall order for a...
EW YORK-Personal communications services are projected to triple their market penetration to 40 percent or more by 2006, according to participants in a "PCS: Here at Last?" panel. The discussion, held June 18, was part of the Bear Stearns & Co. Inc. three-day Technology Conference."I...
WASHINGTON-Raising capital for the extensive buildout of NextWave Telecom Inc.'s 56 markets appears to be less of a problem for the C-block personal communications services auction winner than it will be for other tentative licensees, according to Allen Salmasi, NextWave's chairman, president and chief...
Launching new technology into a market involves more than just technological know-how. The expectations of all parties must be managed in order to control the risks, analysts say.System operators must be responsible for the expectations they create in the minds of customers. Equipment manufacturers...
Eastern European countries and those of the former Soviet republics launched cellular services in the early 1990s using the Nordic Mobile Telephone-450 standard, an analog technology developed to operate at 450 MHz. Most nations initially selected NMT- 450 instead of Global System for Mobile...
LG Information & Communications Ltd. of South Korea is wagering its hand in the U.S. personal communications services market with plans to begin large scale PCS technology and equipment manufacturing in San Diego in the second half of this year.The telecommunications subsidiary of Korean...
Samsung Electronics Co. has committed $25.8 million to manufacture prototype Code Division Multiple Access equipment for PCS, illustrating confidence that its PCS partnership will win a license for personal communications services spectrum.The Korean government is expected to award three PCS licenses in mid-June. One...
SINGAPORE-Numerous announcements about Code Division Multiple Access technology came out of last week's CDMA World Congress in Singapore. The event was attended by about 600 people from 40 countries.Motorola Inc. has formed a joint venture with two Chinese entities to manufacture CDMA infrastructure products...
Code Division Multiple Access has been touted as a success story in Seoul, South Korea and in Hong Kong. Many U.S. personal communications services licensees have based their access technology decision on CDMA's reported superior performance, high capacity and low cost. Many analysts put...
Qualcomm Inc. announced the availability of a single-chip vocodor that utilizes PureVoice, the latest version of the 13 kilobit Qualcomm Code Excited Linear Predictive speech coding algorithm. PureVoice was developed for use in Qualcomm's cellular and personal communications services products featuring the company's Code...
Depending on who is doing the talking, Code Division Multiple Access technology either is venerated or vilified. While several major A-, B-and C-block personal communications services operators have committed to the nascent technology, others are wondering if CDMA is worth the wait. Part 1...
WASHINGTON-Wireless Technology Research, L.L.P., the entity created with funding from the wireless telecommunications industry three years ago after a highly publicized lawsuit claimed pocket phones cause brain cancer, is losing the support of some manufacturers and members of the scientific community amid charges that...
NORMAN, Okla.-The first phase of University of Oklahoma research has concluded that different digital phone technologies can interfere with hearing aids, but researchers have yet to settle on how to resolve the problem."This clinical study is the most comprehensive scientific effort to date in...
NEW YORK-With the advent of a personal communications services overlay onto the nation's traditional cellular landscape, 1996 also will mark the debut of the dual-mode wireless phone as a consumer product.To Terrence Valeski, vice president of marketing for Pacific Bell Mobile Services, Pleasanton, Calif.,...
Cable television infrastructure is making a comeback as a solution to help companies mix-and-match architectures to deliver personal communications services in the face of community resistance to tower build-outs.Cox California PCS Inc. has long advocated such a cable-based solution.The San Diego-based company began exploring...