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African Prosperity: There should be an app for that

In its marketing campaign for the iPhone, Apple and AT&T relentlessly repeat the well known mantra "There's an app for that," showcasing just how easy it is to find points of interest in Paris or to perfectly time one's filet Mignon.But with hundreds of...

Opera for iPhone Fast doesn't mean usable

Speaking as an iPhone user and enthusiast, I was thrilled when Opera for the iPhone finally got accepted into the App Store fold. It seems, however, that my early excitement was premature, with the app sporting a fair few flaws.It's as simple as this:o The...

Opera for iPhone Fast doesn’t mean usable

Speaking as an iPhone user and enthusiast, I was thrilled when Opera for the iPhone finally got accepted into the App Store fold. It seems, however, that my early excitement was premature, with the app sporting a fair few flaws.It's as simple as this:o The...

The Adobe Apple cold war nears ignition point

The cold war between Apple and Adobe over the former's near maniacal desire to keep Flash off the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad has been heating up in what could best be described as an exponential chain reaction, with the situation looking set to...

Mobile gaming, are you game?

Mobile gaming has certainly come a long way over the past decade. I remember sitting with friends playing Snake on the Nokia 6110, mastering the two finger diagonal controls to get out of tight spaces, and trying to out-do each other's high scores. Then...

Google's Schmidt maintains mobile first mantra

Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt revisited what is rapidly becoming a popular theme for the search engine giant – the mobile world - at the firm’s inaugural cloud computing event, Atmosphere in Mountain View, Calif.Back at MWC in Barcelona, Schmidt outlined three factors he said...

Android for Intel Atom devices spells trouble for ARM

Android scored another victory this week, as chip-giant Intel Corp. announced at its Developer Forum in Beijing it had ported Google Inc.'s OS to its Atom microprocessors, the latest move to ensure the tiny chip supports a plethora of operating systems.SVP and GM of...

Nokia, Sony Ericsson jump on social phone bandwagon

Popularity. It's what all the cool kids strive for, and it would appear the mobile playground is full of these social wannabees.Just a day after Microsoft unveiled its "deeply social phone," the KIN, Nokia followed suit with three low cost social smartphones of its...

Bits, bytes and buzz from WiMAX Forum Congress Asia 2010

***HTC “4G” WiMAX smartphone due Q3***A sales lady at one of the major Taiwanese Teleco’s let slip a surprise bit of info; apparently HTC will have a WiMAX enabled smartphone in Q3 of this year. Probed further, she realized her mistake and refused to...

Mobile WiMAX-to-WiFi device makes iPad or iPod Touch as good as your iPhone

One completely ingenious product spotted at WiMAX Forum Congress Asia 2010, was a little mobile WiMAX to WiFi device running on an integrated Lithium ion battery which can be slipped into your bag, briefcase or even left in your car. Users simply log it...


If you already have a data package with a teleco, you may not see the point in considering WiMAX as an option, but perhaps you should think again.After all, it's not just about bandwidth – although those companies investing in 3.5G will have you...

WiMAX rolled out across Taiwan and claimed as viable alternative to DSL

TAIPEI, Tawain--Taiwan was touted as being on the forefront of WiMAX adoption, with Japan, Malaysia and to some extent South Korea not far behind, according to executives at WiMAX Forum Congress Asia 2010. Data package options between carriers are pretty cheap too –...

First screenshots of Opera for iPhone

Just minutes ago, Apple finally approved Opera's Mini browser for its app store after over 20 days.We bring you the first screenshots of Opera for iPhone.

Opera browser boasts 50 million mobile users

Opera is singing a rather triumphant aria today, with news that the browser has hit 100 million users globally, half of which are surfing on Opera Mini for mobile devices.Indeed, while the desktop version of the internet browser has managed an impressive 30% growth...

Nokia's mysterious Everyone Connect event happens tonight

Phone giant, Nokia, is holding a mysterious launch in just under 11 hours – so mysterious, in fact, that no one seems to know what the event is about.There is of course plenty of speculation. It could be the launch of some shiny new...

Microsoft's Kin boasts Nvidia Tegra chip

By now, we all know what Microsoft's new Kin offerings do in terms of making one's anti-social phone habits even more pervasive and irritating. But what's powering the narcissistic device? Well, that would be Nvidia's first-generation Tegra chip – Tegra APX 2600 – which...

The Buddha's Palm acquisition time nears

One of the great downsides of being psychic is trying to convince the unbelievers and skeptics of the world regarding your abilities that seemingly defy logic and sanity. Last week, RCR readers got several day's head start on the climactic final move of Palm's...

Blackberry and iPhone get official with Twitter

Last week saw social media phenomenon, Twitter, take another leap forward in terms of smartphone saturation, with the release of Blackberry's very own beta Twitter app. Twitter also announced its acquisition of Tweetie, a popular iPhone Twitter client.Blackberry lovers have long been able to...

Microsoft's Project Pink Live Webcast

We've all known about the Microsoft event planned for Monday April 12th US Time and we've all heard that it Microsoft will unveil its project pink phones codename ‘Turtle' and ‘Pure'.But what if you are unable to attend the event or heaven forbid never...

Bob Ross sells mobile and internet packages from beyond the grave

The second largest Korean mobile operator, KT, has devised commercials using this TV personality's viewer friendly persona and calm demure to sell its mobile phone and internet packages. The commercials mirror Ross' TV program, The Joy of Painting. The only difference is that...

The Charge Towards Wireless Electricity

For wireless lovers, nothing gets the juices flowing quite like taking something that was traditionally wired and letting it run free. Remember the thrill of seeing the phone go mobile, or the delight of seeing game controllers go wireless? Well, think how pumped you...

Netflix on the horizon for Android

Netflix has posted a job opening on its website for an “Android video playback expert” to help bring Netflix to the Android platform.Reqirements listed for the job are:• 10+ years of relevant software development experience• Expert in OO design and implementation using C++• Deep...

Handset makers jump on tablet bandwagon

Tablets are a natural upsell to smartphones, and therefore it comes as no surprise that handset manufacturers are falling over themselves to produce one of their very own.The latest in could-be tablet makers is none other than Blackberry maker, RIM, with word on the...

Kingston shows off 16GB MicroSD offerings

We recently caught up with memory maker Kingston, and took a look at the firm’s latest class 10 16GB MicroSDHC, which boasts a super-fast 10MB-per-second minimum data transfer rate.The firm told RCR that the card, the size of one’s pinkie nail, meant users could...