WASHINGTON-Public-interest groups interested in getting the attention of the Federal Communications Commission should take a hint from the American Family Association, which scored met with eight key staffers from the FCC's Wireless Telecom Bureau and two other family-interest groups-after sending nearly 800,000 e-mails to...
To the Editor, I've always enjoyed Jeffrey Silva's articles. I read with interest his story, "Execs booted from telecom delegation puzzles industry," in the May 2 issue.I suspect if some of the RCR Wireless News editorial staff was "aiding and abetting" a competing journal,...
WASHINGTON-Public-interest groups interested in getting the attention of the Federal Communications Commission should take a hint from the American Family Association. AFA and two other family-interest groups met May 9 with eight key staffers of the FCC's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau."Our members were asked to...
WASHINGTON-The Bush administration's move to pull several members off a U.S. telecom delegation because they contributed to Democrats is not necessarily a new policy, and the tack could undermine U.S. negotiations in future global spectrum conferences, according to sources familiar with the situation. Even...
ESPOO, Finland-Vodafone Hungary has selected Nokia Corp. and Siemens AG to supply its W-CDMA network.Nokia said it will supply a complete W-CDMA core network, providing its 3GPP Release 4 based MSC Server System, including the Nokia MSC Server and Nokia Multimedia Gateway, and Nokia...
Dear Editor: I was happy to see the clarification at the bottom of page 25 of the April 11 issue of RCR Wireless News concerning U.S. Cellular's best overall score in analysis of customer complaints. The carrier had 39 complaints per 1 million customers-almost...
WASHINGTON-A high-ranking official in the Department of Homeland Security told RCR Wireless News Tuesday afternoon that the cellular-phone industry should give up some of its spectrum in the 800 MHz band to help first responders have less congested airways.J. Richard Berman, DHS assistant inspector...
Taking advantage of new technologies, peer-to-peer companies, otherwise known as dotcoms, are porting services to wireless subscribers without operator consent. Through handsets, personal digital assistants, laptops and other mobile devices, end users can enjoy services such as music downloads and file sharing, video on...
BELLEVUE, Wash.-T-Mobile USA Inc. is offering a software upgrade for the iPAQ h6315 Pocket PC from Hewlett-Packard Co. The carrier recently suspended sales of the device due to unexplained software problems.The carrier posted the software upgrade on its Web site at www.t-mobile.com/hpupdate. T-Mobile said...
T-Mobile USA Inc. suspended sales of the Hewlett-Packard Co. iPAQ h6315 smart phone due to unexplained software bugs, a move that illustrates the extremely advanced levels of technology packed into high-end devices as well as the risks carriers face in selling them. Wireless stands...
WASHINGTON-The wireless carrier trade association agreed to produce guidelines for managing wireless porn, even as porn giant Larry Flynt announced plans to enter the U.S. wireless market. CTIA said Thursday it would add adult content guidelines to its voluntary carrier code of conduct by...
Editor's Note: RCR Wireless News announces that Wayne Schelle has been inducted into the Wireless Hall of Fame for 2005, now in its sixth year. The Hall of Fame recognizes the efforts of those people who have made significant contributions to advance wireless telecommunications....
The wireless carrier trade association agreed to produce guidelines for managing wireless porn, even as porn giant Larry Flynt announced plans to enter the U.S. wireless market. CTIA said Tuesday it would add adult content guidelines to its voluntary carrier code of conduct by...
LONDON-Wireless carriers Vodafone Group plc and Telesystem International Wireless Inc. said they are in discussions regarding the possible sale of TIW's wireless interests in Eastern Europe.Vodafone said any offer it makes would equate to a value per TIW share close to the closing share...
In conjunction with its 20th anniversary in the country, Nokia Corp. reiterated its focus on China-the world's No. 1 wireless market-and promised to increase its presence there. "In 2004, Nokia not only retained, but clearly extended, its position as the No. 1 player in...
Siemens AG appears to be in the midst of peddling its handset business, but by all accounts the world's No. 5 phone vendor isn't having any luck. That Siemens is unable to sell its mobile-phone operations is especially notable in this era of carrier...
WASHINGTON-Legislation introduced in the California legislature last week would create a bill of rights for telecom consumers that would be at least as comprehensive as guidelines state regulators approved last May, only to put on hold last month. The measure-SB 1068-is authored by California...
In conjunction with its 20th anniversary in the country, Nokia Corp. reiterated its focus on China-the world's No. 1 wireless market-and promised to increase its presence there. "In 2004, Nokia not only retained, but clearly extended, its position as the No. 1 player in...
WASHINGTON-The stakes continue to rise in the telecom consumer bill-of-rights controversy, with the California legislature ready to write the new rule into law and the California Public Utilities Commission considering a sweeping overhaul of the state's telecom regulatory regime. Sen. Martha Escutia (D), chairwoman...
WASHINGTON-A key Democrat on the House telecommunications subcommittee Thursday put the brakes on setting a hard date for the digital TV transition. "I think it is impossible to say at this point what the final outcome will be. We don't know how big the...
The Federal Communications Commission this week lauded CTIA's efforts to control mobile adult content and urged the association to step up its efforts in keeping inappropriate material out of the hands of children. In a letter to Steve Largent, CTIA president, FCC Wireless Telecommunications...
WASHINGTON-A key Democrat on the House telecommunications subcommittee Thursday put the brakes on setting a hard date for the digital TV transition. "I think it is impossible to say at this point what the final outcome will be. We don't know how big the...
The Federal Communications Commission this week lauded CTIA's efforts to control mobile adult content and urged the association to step up its efforts in keeping inappropriate material out of the hands of children.In a letter to Steve Largent, CTIA president, FCC Wireless Telecommunications Bureau...
WASHINGTON-The transition to digital TV moves forward-or does it? The messages were mixed last week as the Federal Communications Commission denied broadcasters must-carry rights and industry leaders called for a hard date even as a key senator was saying he does not favor a...