RCR Wireless is partnering with the good people at the Competitive Carriers Association to stream CCA 2013 Annual Convention in Las Vegas LIVE on RCR's YouTube page.
About CCA 2013
CCA events bring the decision-makers in the competitive mobile ecosystem – carriers, technology experts, network builders, consultants, media,...
TMForum Management World is the preeminent gathering dedicated to Service Assurance and all things OSS/BSS. With a full slate of keynote perspectives, and service provider case studies, and the renowned Catalyst collaborative projects seeing all there is to see, let alone learning all there...
Few events in the mobile industry can compare in size and scope to the annual Mobile World Congress event, and this year will be no different. With nearly 100,000 attendees and 1,400 exhibitors expected to swoop down on Barcelona, Spain, this year’s MWC event...
AUSTIN, Texas (Oct. 6, 2011) – RCR Wireless News was proud to announce the winners of the 2011 RCR Wireless News Mobile Innovation Awards on the show floor at the 2011 Wireless Infrastructure Show in Dallas. The winners were selected by the RCR Wireless...
BALTIMORE – LightSquared's plans to deploy a nationwide mobile broadband network using both satellite and terrestrial components has been a contentious issue since those plans were announced last summer. The plan was initially viewed by skeptics as being beyond both the financial and logistical...
RCR Wireless News is set to visit Bellevue the week of August 1 as part of our Mobile Broadband Tour and Conference series.Bellevue, which lies across Lake Washington from Seattle, is a rapidly changing city. It is currently the second largest city center in...
RCR Wireless News is set to visit Baltimore the week of July 18 as part of our Mobile Broadband Tour and Conference series. The RCR Wireless News Mobile Broadband Baltimore tour will include several days meeting with local telecommunication leaders and associations...
PHILADELPHIA – The idea seems simple enough. Hang a bunch of wireless routers from city lamp poles, hook them up to the city's power supply and some sort of backhaul to the Internet and voila, instant mobile broadband access for the masses.Not so fast.A...
RCR Wireless News is set to visit Baltimore the week of July 18 as part of our Mobile Broadband Tour and Conference series. The RCR Wireless News Mobile Broadband Baltimore tour will include several days meeting with local telecommunication leaders and associations...
Huawei releases Honeycomb tabletChinese vendor Huawei took the wraps off its mysterious HD MediaPad this week, giving CommunicAsia goers a hands on look at the 7-inch Android Honeycomb device, running on Qualcomm’s dual-core 1.2GHz Snapdragon processor. Stay tuned to catch a more in...
PHILADELPHIA – Timing, scale and the long-term sustainability of a business and business model are key factors to betting right in the mobile broadband business, panelists agreed at RCR Wireless News' Global Mobile Broadband Tour and Conference Philadelphia. And it's good to own spectrum...
PHILADELPHIA – Few could argue that the mobile industry is a complicated beast that seems to be getting more complicated by the day. With operators constantly upgrading networks and back-office infrastructure in order to handle constantly advancing devices that in turn are supporting constantly...
PHILADELPHIA – With the cloud of uncertainty hanging ominously over its operations, you have to hand it to the folks at T-Mobile USA Inc. (DTEGY) that continue to operate with the mindset that everything is business as usual. Sure, AT&T Inc. has said it...
PHILADELPHIA – Is there anything more exciting than a network speed test? We here at RCR Wireless News think not and to prove that we decided to conduct such a test during our recent visit to Philadelphia as part of the RCR Wireless News...
PHILADELPHIA – The tower industry has seen its fair share of ups and downs, a trend that seems set to continue as new entrants in the mobile space could help replace those being lost to consolidation and those that remain look to both save...
PHILADELPHIA – With the explosion in data services beginning to take its toll on traditional cellular networks, companies that specialize in solutions designed to relieve that pressure have become sought after in the mobile space.At the recent RCR Wireless News Mobile Broadband Global Tour...
PHILADELPHIA – RCR Wireless News’ recent trip to Philadelphia as part of its Mobile Broadband Global Tour played into the hands of Yankee Group Senior Analyst of Consumer Services Tole Hart, who calls the city home. Hart took part in the program’s Morning Brew...
Watch live streaming video from rcrtrack2 at livestream.comPHILADELPHIA – It doesn't take much looking to realize that the wireless industry is in the midst of a network capacity crisis. With data hungry smartphones flooding the market, carriers have been forced to come up with...
RCR Wireless News’ visit to Philadelphia is set to begin next week, bringing with it a one-day conference scheduled for June 8 as well as a visit to the city to get an update on its municipal Wi-Fi project. The RCR Wireless News Mobile...
Looking for a little brotherly love, RCR Wireless News is hitting the streets of Philadelphia the week of June 6, as part of our global tour. As with every stop on our global tour, conference series and news desk, our team will engage the...
RCR Wireless News is hitting the road next week for Dallas. As with every stop on our global tour, conference series and news desk, our team will engage the mobile community at the local level to better understand the impacts of mobile broadband on...
RCR Wireless News is hitting the road next week for New York City and the Garden State. As with every stop on our global tour, conference series and news desk, our team will engage the mobile community at the local level to better understand...
The RCR Wireless News editorial team will be broadcasting live from the CTIA show next week, bringing news and analysis straight from the show floor to RCRWireless.com and our microsite, ctia.www.rcrwireless.com. Guests scheduled to stop by the RCR Wireless News booth (#3695)...
AUSTIN, Texas–IBM Corp. is exhibiting at SouthbySouthwest for the first time this year as part of its Startup America $150 million commitment to bring more jobs to the United States. The company is hosting a series of five session as part of the technology...