Internet of Things (IoT) has become a rallying cry for the world of connecting (mostly small devices) together and to the Cloud. This could be one of the largest new markets to develop in decades. You get meters able to read and forward information...
EasyStack launches EasyStack Kubernetes Service (EKS)
EasyStack, an open source cloud computing solutions provider in China, premiered EasyStack Kubernetes Service (EKS) at the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2017 in Austin, Texas, with capabilities like orchestration, scheduling, security, operations and maintenance holding the spotlight.
Kubernetes, a platform that...
Snapdragon 845 brings major advancements in immersive AV, AI, security, connectivity and performance
For the past five year, Qualcomm Technologies has spent more than $1 billion per quarter on research and development. Last week, with a bevy of executives, partners, press and analysts on hand...
Conformity is everything in the fight against cyber-crime. Traditionally, the way to secure IT systems has been to “bring everything together, and keep everything the same”, remarks Senthil Ramakrishnan, lead member of technical staff at AT&T.
But the internet of things (IoT) confounds this...
The internet of things (IoT) has turned the industry’s traditional security model of isolationism on its head. Suddenly, devices and systems, until now segregated by physical locks and operational air-gaps, are easily accessible.
“In IT, servers are locked away in data centers where only...
The ‘internet of things’ (IoT) will usher in a fourth industrial revolution, and raise a storm. Manufacturing and distribution businesses anchored by old systems and processes will be drowned by the rising tide; those that transform their operations will catch a sail. But it...
The ‘internet of things’ (IoT) will usher in a fourth industrial revolution, and raise a storm. Manufacturing and distribution businesses anchored by old systems and processes will be drowned by the rising tide; those that transform their operations will catch a sail. But it...
Somebody said it first: everything that can be connected will be connected. In tech, it seems never a truer word was spoken. Analysts reckon there will be 30 billion connected ‘things’ by 2020, and 75 billion by 2025. The ‘internet of things’ (IoT) promises...
Somebody said it first: everything that can be connected will be connected. In tech, it seems never a truer word was spoken. Analysts reckon there will be 30 billion connected ‘things’ by 2020, and 75 billion by 2025. The ‘internet of things’ (IoT) promises...
There are security vulnerabilities throughout the IoT supply chain, stretching right back to sourcing components. Enterprise users, particularly those engaged in industrial operations and critical operations, should review and monitor their IoT suppliers, and work with trusted and reputable partners.
“The largest challenge for...
The most significant challenge for the internet of things (IoT) is device security. Without question, devices represent the weakest link in the IoT technology stack, the industry reckons.
“This is because devices are constrained in battery and computing power,” notes Carlos Carazo, director of...
Security issues around IoT edge devices are rarely mentioned in literature, however, the projected billions of IoT edge devices out in the wild makes for a vast attack surface. Should hardware designers be concerned about security for IoT edge devices? And, is it worth...
Security issues around IoT edge devices are rarely mentioned in literature, however, the projected billions of IoT edge devices out in the wild makes for a vast attack surface. Should hardware designers be concerned about security for IoT edge devices? And, is it worth...
And how the industry is failing to learn from its mistakes
The technology industry is failing to learn from its mistakes, as familiar security failings from the IT space hobble the nascent internet of things (IoT) market, and threaten its growth.
A glance at top...
What are security holes?
Applying patches to operating systems is pivotal to network security. A software vulnerability is typically a security hole discovered in an operating system or software program, which hackers target with a specific code clothed as malware. In the interest of taking...
Smartphones are responsible for the majority of mobile network infections, and most infected smartphones are running Android applications, according to Nokia. The company tracks ransomware through its threat intelligence lab and has used the data gathered to develop new software to fight ransomware. Nokia...
Cybersecurity breaches are a much talked about but little-addressed problem for corporations today, as every hack reveals just how hard it is to stay ahead of a technically savvy, often criminal element. In fact, the problem is so extensive that a recent study by...
Our desire for privacy is part of what makes us human. None of us likes to have our privacy invaded, whether from someone reading over our shoulder or a data breach. Every day we read stories about foreign government hacks and ads that follow...
The rapid adoption and deployment of IoT devices is a significant contributor to digital transformation. To compete in the new digital marketplace, organizations must monitor and manage critical network and system components in real time, and create algorithms to extract meaningful information from the Big...
The Japanese firm said the system detects and prevents cyber attacks in connected and autonomous cars
Panasonic Corporation announced the development of an automotive intrusion detection and prevention systems to prevent cyberattacks in autonomous and connected cars.
Panasonic said its newly developed system will ensure safe...
The Cisco Visual Networking Index reports that almost half a billion (429 million) mobile devices and connections were added in 2016. Smartphones made up the bulk of this growth, followed by M2M modules. These devices, self-driving cars, mobile-connected tablets and more comprise the mobile internet...
Mid-size companies are embracing the internet of things, but are not always implementing security measures to protect their data. One in eight has been the victim of a cyber attack related to the IoT, according to a new study commissioned by Arctic Wolf, a...
HPE and Micro Focus merge to create world’s seventh largest software vendor
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) announced it completed a $8.8 billion spin-off and merger with U.K. software businesses Micro Focus Friday, claiming to now be seventh-largest software vendor in the world. The companies will...
Verizon expands its software-defined ecosystem by integrating another security tool
Verizon Communications is offering another security component to its virtual network services platform with the addition of Check Point Software Technologies.
Verizon has become more and more concerned with securing its virtual service line, and it’s...