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Amazon picks LoRa for smart-home telco platform – plus Nordic, Silicon Labs, Tile

Amazon has selected LoRa for its new Sidewalk wireless networking platform, running in 900 MHz spectrum, according to Semtech. Camarillo-based Semtech hailed its technology’s move into the consumer space. At the same time, Nordic Semiconductor, Silicon Labs, and Tile have variously said they have...

LoRa technology improves yields in Australian avocado plantations

  Semtech announced that IoT environmental solutions provider ICT International and IoT gateway and device manufacturer Definium Technologies are leveraging multiple products based on Semtech’s LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN protocol to improve crop yield in Australian avocado plantations. The two Australian firms deployed a suite...

Blockchain-based LoRaWAN network passes 1,000 cities in US, launches in Europe

Blockchain-based LoRaWAN network operator and hotspot maker Helium has expanded to more than 1,000 cities in North America, and started rolling out in Europe, and announced a new deals with LoRa-maker Semtech. Helium presents itself as the ‘people’s network’ and the ‘first peer-to-peer wireless network’....

Semtech, AWS issue all-in-one dev-kits for LoRa-based asset tracking, smart buildings

Semtech is offering new developer kits for LoRa-based asset tracking and smart building applications that integrate with IoT services from Amazon Web Services (AWS). California-based software firm Tensor IoT is also involved, providing cloud applications to connect LoRa sensors to AWS services. The asset...

New LoRa-based network covers more than 306km of South Korean expressway

South Korean’s government-affiliated Korean Expressway Corporation (KEC) has deployed built a network based on Semtech’s LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN protocol for more than 306 km of its expressways. The LoRa-based network is viewed as the “first stage” in the country’s four-year Internet of Things (IoT) deployment...

Semtech says LoRa devices optimize quarantine monitoring in China

  U.S. company Semtech said that several of its customers, including CIAAIoT, EasyLinkin, IOCA, RisingHF, and Winext Technology, have integrated Semtech’s LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN protocol with cloud-based platforms developed by Chinese companies Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud, to deploy smarter Internet of Things...

Pallet Alliance adds LoRaWAN capabilities to IntelliPallet platform

LoRaWAN enhances security and long-range tracking Pallet Alliance has added the LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN connectivity protocol to its Internet-of-Things-enabled IntelliPallet platform, the company said in a release. The new capability is the result of Pallet Alliance’s collaboration with Semtech, a supplier of high performance...

5G, 0G, all these Gs? Gee-eze – the IoT pie is bigger than that, says LoRaWAN champ

An intro-video plays as the founders of The Things Network (TTN), take to the stage at their annual LoRaWAN bash in Amsterdam. A Hollywood-style voiceover crows about big-sounding tech - something about 5G and 0G, and all the other Gs – before the baritone...

Semtech’s LoRa devices detect abnormal energy use in cities

  Semtech Corporation announced that NetOP, a developer and manufacturer of LPWAN-based IoT applications, has developed a new smart energy consumption monitoring solution based on Semtech’s LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN protocol. The solution, named the “Octopus,” leverages LoRa devices’ advantages for real-time data monitoring to detect abnormal spikes...

LoRaWAN enters 2.4 GHz – plus new space race, network sharing, embedded security

LoRaWAN will work in the 2.4 GHz spectrum band, also occupied by Wi-Fi and Bluetooth systems, to enable LoRaWAN-based IoT devices to work globally at the same frequency for the first time, without needing to switch between sub-GHz bands in roaming.  That is the proposal,...

Seoul plans to deploy city-wide LoRaWAN IoT network

Semtech parterning with local government on LoRaWAN Semtech Corporation, a supplier of high-performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms, announced that the Metropolitan Government of Seoul, in South Korea plans to deploy a new enterprise-grade citywide network for Internet of Things (IoT) applications based...

Maritime operator Wilhelmsen to deploy LoRaWAN for global shipping

Norwegian maritime group Wilhelmsen is deploying a LoRaWAN network at 2.4 GHz to bring connectivity to its operations at land and sea. It will offer connectivity to customers as well. The firm has struck a deal with Dutch LoRaWAN collective The Things Industries (TTI), the...

What is LEO, and how will LEO satellites transform the IoT sector?

Satellite connectivity, spurred by new projects from the likes of Amazon and SpaceX, will support 24 million IoT connections by 2024, bringing new competition to established IoT technologies like LoRaWAN, Sigfox and NB-IoT. While the burgeoning IoT market scratches it head at the array of...

Coal, copper and gold – three smart mines, digging with data

1 | Anglo American, Capcoal coal mine, Queensland, Australia British mining company Anglo American has just started work in Australia on what it envisions as “one of the most technologically advanced underground mines in the world”. It is pumping $226 million into the expansion of...

Semtech supports LoRaWAN network deploymet in Tasmania

Semtech said that IoT gateway company Definium Technologies has deployed a new enterprise-grade, statewide network in Tasmania, Australia, based on Semtech’s LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN protocol. Semtech said that the network facilitates Tasmania’s transition to become a laboratory for testing new technologies and allowing start-ups, businesses,...

Four benefits of LoRa in mining – and how Rio Tinto connected its conveyors

The mining industry is expected to produce $686 billion in revenue by the end of 2019, a steady eight per cent increase on 2018, according to PwC. The global conveyer belt industry is expected to be valued at $6.4 billion by 2022, says Research...

Enabling the future of mining with LPWA networks (Reader Forum)

Mining has evolved from a hard, manual process, involving hand tools and rudimentary explosives, to one that takes advantage of sophisticated technologies that bring connectivity, automation, and intelligence into play. Today, mines run conveyor belts like arteries, moving equipment and materials between the mine shaft...

Smart city case study: How Calgary deployed its own LPWA network to build smart city apps (Reader Forum)

The internet of things (IoT) is a game-changer for enterprises and consumers, making every day operations more efficient for organizations and individuals. As smart cities evolve, government agencies are prioritizing IoT initiatives, and deploying low-power wide-area (LPWA) networks to collect data, and using advanced...

NIB: Semtech offers free LoRaWAN training; Digital Colony buys small-cell firm iWireless; Soracom announces IoT funding

Semtech opens-up and makes-free its LoRaWAN Academy Semtech, the Californian chip-maker that owns and licenses the LoRa technology, is offering free educational modules via its LoRaWAN Academy for students, engineers, developers, and enterprises developing LoRa-based IoT solutions. The LoRaWAN Academy launched in late 2017 and initially...

Total LoRa devices reach 80 million, making it ‘de facto’ IoT tech, says Semtech

The total installed base of LoRa enabled chips and nodes reach around 80 million units at the end of 2018, according to California based semiconductor company Semtech, which owns the LoRa technology and licenses the chips. Semtech said the number of LoRa gateways is now...

‘No future Elon Musks in IoT’, ‘no future in IoT without LoRaWAN’ – team LoRa plots next moves

This week, 1,500 business types from every-sized enterprise in the burgeoning IoT space will descend on Amsterdam in The Netherlands to chat LoRaWAN, the low-power wide-area (LPWA) networking technology that saw 60 per cent growth last year. The occasion is The Things Conference (January 31...

Semtech spurs LoRa community with next-gen silicon, stares down cellular IoT carriers

With brand new silicon, a vibrant support network, and a profile burnished in the early IoT rush, LoRa specialist Semtech is looking to spread its wings and rise above the challenge from cellular IoT carriers. Outside of the IoT space, the US semiconductor outfit has...

LoRaWAN roundup: Senet in the Gulf, Actility and Microchip, Semtech’s Indian IIoT boost

Amid a recent flurry of announcements around LoRa technology and the LoRaWAN protocol, US IoT company finds itself helping out with smart city solutions in the Persian Gulf, microcontroller maker Microchip has integrated with Actility's ThingPark network to accelerate IoT deployments, and Semtech, itself,...

Semtech adds Laird to its design partner program for LoRa-based solutions

  Semtech says that Laird Connectivity’s engineering services capabilities will enable the acceleration of LoRa-based IoT solutions   Semtech has added Laird Connectivity, a global provider of wireless connectivity solutions, to its Semtech Design Partner Program. The program, which was launched two months ago, focuses on the creation...