Motorola’s gadget guru aims to restore magic touch in R&D

Dennis Roberson is sitting at a large, round conference table talking about the mandate he was given three years ago to "fix" Motorola Inc.'s storied research lab.As the conversation progresses, he reaches inside his breast pocket and pulls out a cell phone made with...

Out of favor

The fact that the telecom sector, including the mobile industry, is shivering in the cold right now after months of basking in the sun of favor from the financial community is certainly not breaking news. It seems no category-broadband wireless, mobile Internet, manufacturers, carriers,...

NTT DoCoMo to recall 100,000 i-mode terminals

TOKYO-NTT DoCoMo, the leading carrier in Japan, is going to recall more than 100,000 cellular terminals that may have some defects in software, the firm announced. The recall will cover four types of terminals manufactured by Sony, Japan Radio, Hitachi Kokusai Electric and L.M....

Carriers aim to pump up minutes with games

According to recent reports, wireless gaming is spreading nearly as fast as computer viruses pretending to be pictures of tennis stars. By 2005, more than 200 million wireless phone users in the United States and Europe, 80 percent of all wireless customers, will play...

AirMedia’s hub provides wireless content

NEW YORK-AirMedia has embarked on a common carrier strategy for Internet content provision with the late January introduction of its new "Wireless Hub.""This will be a worldwide automated marketplace, with a back end and front end to enable mobile content and services," David S....

AT&T, Sony, DoCoMo announce gaming initiative

AT&T Wireless wasted little time in exploiting its relationship with Japan's NTT DoCoMo in an attempt to jump start its wireless Internet offerings. AT&T, which received nearly $10 billion from the Japanese telecom giant, signed an agreement with DoCoMo and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc....

Resale: on the edge of change?

As the wireless industry is rocked with one huge acquisition, spectrum auction and technological development after another, a small-and often overlooked-market segment continues to operate just below radar. Resellers have quietly been activating wireless customers for the past few decades, but some say they...

Sony joins mobile e-commerce organization

HELSINKI, Finland-Electronics heavyweight Sony Corp. joined the MeT initiative, an organization working to develop safe and secure methods for e-commerce transactions on mobile phones.Member companies include Ericsson, Matsushita, Motorola and Nokia.

Standards forum beats chest

Secure with 50 converts and confident of its quality, the torch bearers of the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technology believe that telecom companies are heeding their call to make it a global standard.The association, known as the OFDM Forum, seeks to foster a...

Refinery takes pragmatic approach to wireless Web

Refinery Inc., a six-year-old Web development company, identified the wireless industry as something it "definitely needed to be involved in," the company's director of marketing said.However, Refinery isn't planning on chasing wireless applications like some corporate holy grail-an illusion other Web development companies have...

PacketVideo to feature streaming video apps

Even more nascent than the wireless Internet industry, the wireless multimedia industry is expected to represent a good portion of next-generation wireless Internet services.PacketVideo Corp.-which develops wireless streaming video and audio solutions-last week introduced a showcase of streaming video media applications available on today's...

Japanese venture capital gradually opens to outside investors

NEW YORK-The Land of the Rising Sun has emerged as the place to be for investors interested in grabbing onto incipient wireless telecommunications trends, said a managing director of Whitney & Co., the oldest American venture-capital firm.Venture-capital companies based in Japan have become more...

Intel, Analog Devices develop mobile architecture

Intel Corp. and Analog Devices Inc. jumped into the wireless game and into competition with Texas Instruments Inc. after introducing a Micro Signal Architecture that integrates digital signal processor and microcontroller features in a single platform.The architecture is optimized for processing modem, audio, video,...

Sprint hears the music

In the effort to alter consumers' perceptions of wireless phones, Sprint PCS turned up the volume last week with the introduction of an online music service offered in conjunction with the first combination MP3 player/wireless phone available in the United States.The introduction of the...

Japanese vendors take 3G handset lead

TOKYO-Japanese vendors are in the final stages of developing third-generation (3G) terminals. Japanese 3G services are scheduled to be launched earlier than any other country in May 2001 by NTT DoCoMo, followed by J-Phone, the mobile business of Japan Telecom and the newly merged...

Music distribution poised to be `killer app’ for Japan

TOKYO-The mobile music distribution business is going to take off in Japan, according to industry representatives. Some carriers have already revealed their services, while others are promoting field tests in cooperation with vendors.NTT DoCoMo at the beginning of 2000 established a joint venture with...

Cue traffic information gathers speed: Service runs on GSM, FM networks

Radio data network operator Cue Corp. made several announcements at last week's Convergence 2000 show in Detroit, furthering its position as an international traffic and navigation information provider.Cue said it will use U.S. Wireless Corp.'s RadioCamera system to distribute speed and traffic congestion data...

To successfully serve teen market you may need to be one: According to teen wireless entrepreneur

MARINA DEL REY, Calif.-David Bell has quite a resume.He founded his own company in 1997 in his basement. He helped evolve the company from a mostly hardware-focused business into a software and content developer focusing on a niche market. Three months ago, Bell secured...

ArrayComm leader says industry still lacks maturity

NEW YORK-Some 27 years after he placed the first "public portable cellular call," from Midtown Manhattan to Bell Laboratories in New Jersey, Martin Cooper said he is unsure "if we, as an industry, have grown up yet."Introduced at "Wireless World 2000" as the inventor...

Intel issues stock warning, sell-off ensues

TOKYO-Intel Corp.'s stock took a beating early Friday after the world's largest silicon chip manufacturer reported third-quarter sales would fall short of analysts' expectations.The company's stock lost about 22 percent of its value, dropping more than $14 per share as soon as the market...

(No heading)

WASHINGTON-In addition to new litigation alleging that mobile phones cause brain cancer, the wireless industry also faces possible Supreme Court litigation over government exposure standards and a class-action lawsuit in New Orleans that claims manufacturers failed to take steps to minimize consumer exposure to...

TTNet to launch PHS wireless Internet service

TOKYO-Tokyo Telecommunication Network (TTNet) plans to launch Internet access services by the end of this year, allowing Astel PHS users to browse popular i-mode sites. TTNet is scheduled to provide PHS terminals for the service, called Open Internet.The service is based on a subset...

PacketVideo adds consumer apps

SAN DIEGO-PacketVideo Corp. has expanded its Programming Division to include consumer application development for mobile devices, re-naming the unit the Consumer Applications & Services Division.In addition to creating wireless media technology, the unit also is charged with adding media content partnerships, such as with...

Psion plans Symbian IPO

LONDON-In conjunction with releasing its financial results for the first six months of the year, U.K. handheld computer maker Psion plc said it plans to list the Symbian consortium, most likely in 2001."The shareholders of Symbian have decided that subject to good progress in...