Federal Communications Commission set to vote on 5G spectrum July 14
As the timeline for the 600 MHz spectrum auction appears to lengthen, wireless carriers will be keeping a close eye on this month's FCC vote on high-band spectrum. Carriers could get access to high-band...
Television broadcasters are taking the stance that it never hurts to ask when it comes to compensation for giving up their 600 MHz spectrum resources
Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There’s a lot of nutty stuff that goes on...
As the first phase of the U.S. government's 600 MHz auction concluded, the Federal Communication Commission said it will be able to clear 126 megahertz of spectrum. That's good news not only for wireless carriers but also for the construction and engineering firms that will...
TV broadcasters set an $86B price tag for 126 megahertz of spectrum in the 600 MHz band during the first stage of the reverse auction process
Television broadcasters set a high bar in terms of what they want for their 600 MHz spectrum licenses the...
The mobile telecom market’s race towards 5G and the internet of things requires players to rethink spectrum plans, availability and models
Wireless spectrum remains a hot topic in the commercial telecom space as government agencies continue to look for ways to free up new spectrum...
FCC set for 'Spectrum Frontiers' proceedings next month in move to bolster spectrum support for 5G, IoT and virtual reality
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler talked all the usual use cases for “5G” technology, including the “internet of things” and virtual reality, in announcing...
FCC set for 'Spectrum Frontiers' proceedings next month in move to bolster spectrum support for 5G, IoT and virtual reality
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler talked all the usual use cases for “5G” technology, including the “internet of things” and virtual reality, in announcing...
Deploying wearables in the workplace may seem like a logical step for businesses but concerns over privacy make workers wary of their use.
Using wearables in the workplace is only but a logical step as the popularity of wearable devices continues to increase. Sales of wearable devices...
The next stop on the Sprint 5G demonstration tour is Philadelphia, where the carrier plans to show technology advances connected with the soccer tournament
Sprint’s “5G” roadshow is set to hit Philadelphia this week as part of the carrier’s marketing push around the ongoing Copa...
FBR Capital Markets reiterated its ‘outperform’ rating, noting the Sprint small cell plan is better than most think
Sprint’s small cell plans have garnered considerable attention from industry analysts who have questioned the carrier’s move to rely more heavily on network densification efforts based on...
Rivada fleshed out its FirstNet plans, announcing a handful of vendor partners, claims of agreements with a nationwide LTE carrier and regional telecom operators
Fresh off plucking a former Sprint executive to help lead its cause, Rivada Mercury unveiled vendor partners lined up to help...
On this week’s Carrier Wrap we speak with Signals Research Group to break down the current pace of 5G technology development
With deployment of true “4G” networks still in their infancy, the mobile telecom space has turned its full attention to plans for the next...
FutureMobile expects robust participation in the 600 MHz auction, forecasts up to $100 billion in total bids
The reverse-auction phase of the 600 megahertz auction (Auction 1001) begins on May 31, 2016. The Federal Communications Commission seeks to clear 126 megahertz of spectrum so that it...
This week we speak with Wireless 20/20 on the FCC’s 600 MHz auction, which could see record bids from the likes of Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile
Few would argue about the complexity of the Federal Communications Commission’s ongoing 600 MHz incentive auction proceedings, with the...
T-Mobile 700 MHz coverage set to now include Chicago as it picks up A-Block license from AT&T’s Leap subsidiary, pushes total 700 MHz coverage to 269M pops
T-Mobile US continued the expansion of its 700 megahertz spectrum portfolio, announcing a deal to acquire a 12-megahertz A-Block...
The recent plan from Sprint to cut capital expenses has many industry observers wondering if the carrier can remain competitive in the market
Sprint provided guidance of $3 billion in capital expenditures for financial year 2016, in its recent earnings call. Of that total, we...
Ligado said it filed details of its 5G plans to tap 40 megahertz of midband spectrum to support mobile broadband deployments outside current GPS operations
Ligado Networks, which earlier this year changed its name from LightSquared, is moving forward with plans to tap its 1.6...
IHS analyst Stéphane Téral argues industry should focus true 4G efforts on human connections, reserve 5G advances for connecting IoT
LAS VEGAS – The rush by many to bring next-generation wireless network technology is causing quite the commotion across the telecom space, with “5G” becoming...
On this week’s Carrier Wrap, we speak with Angela Giancarlo from Mayer Brown to get her views on the current 600 MHz incentive auction process and how the auction is set to address short-term spectrum needs
The Federal Communications Commission’s ongoing 600 MHz incentive auction...
Does Sprint have a Ferrari in the garage? Iain Gillott looks at Sprint’s options in terms of its 2.5 GHz spectrum holdings
For the second installment on the outlook for Sprint, let’s start with a little fantasizing. Imagine you own a Ferrari. A really nice,...
Joe Euteneuer, who left Sprint last August, was named co-CEO and CFO at Rivada Networks, which is looking to bid in the FirstNet program
Longtime Sprint executive Joe Euteneuer has turned up at Rivada Networks, which is looking to provide broadband services to the public...
AT&T continues to push updates to its mobile network, detailing plans to add spectrum capacity, small cells and 5G technology; thoughts on IoT
Speaking at the Jefferies Technology Conference this week, Scott Mair, SVP for technology and engineering at AT&T, said the carrier was on...
A delay in the PCS auction proceedings drew mixed reactions from designated entities, while Ericsson posted US-fueled growth
Editor’s Note: RCR Wireless News goes all in for “Throwback Thursdays,” tapping into our archives to resuscitate the top headlines from the past. Fire up the time...
Shentel promises LTE expansion for Ntelos markets and access to Sprint nationwide LTE network for roaming
Nearly nine months after announcing the deal, Sprint network affiliate Shenandoah Telecommunications completed its acquisition of fellow affiliate Ntelos in a move bolstering Shentel’s mobile operations across portions of...