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RCR Wireless News Top 100 stories of 2015 (Pt. 4)

Before we turn the page on 2015, we thought we would take a look back at the past 12 months by highlighting what we felt were the top 100 stories of 2015 across the mobile space. Since it would be foolish to rank these...

RCR Wireless News Top 100 stories of 2015 (Pt. 2)

Before we turn the page on 2015, we thought we would take a look back at the past 12 months by highlighting what we felt were the top 100 stories of 2015 across the mobile space. Since it would be foolish to rank these...

RCR Wireless News Top 100 stories of 2015 (Pt. 1)

Before we turn the page on 2015, we thought we would take a look back at the past 12 months by highlighting what we felt were the top 100 stories of 2015 across the mobile space. Since it would be foolish to rank these...

LightSquared spectrum issues near resolution with GPS deals

LightSquared spectrum issues continue to progress with GPS deals, though challenges remain Beleaguered spectrum holder LightSquared said it reached an agreement with Garmin on spectrum use parameters for terrestrial service in the 1.6 GHz L-Band that could eventually lead to freeing up more than 50...

Shaw to purchase Wind Mobile for $1.1B, re-enter cellular space

Shaw to purchase Wind Mobile in a deal to take advantage of growing mobile market Canadian telecom provider Shaw Communications is set to re-enter the mobile space, announcing plans to acquire Wind Mobile as part of a larger purchase valued at $1.1 billion ($1.6 billion...

#TBT: Sprint service garners accolades; LECs, wireless to clash … this week in 1995

Sprint service launch a hit, while LECs and wireless expected to clash ... 20 years ago this week Editor’s Note: RCR Wireless News goes all in for “Throwback Thursdays,” tapping into our archives to resuscitate the top headlines from the past. Fire up the time...

Rohde & Schwarz Webinar: Spectrum Clearing – Preparing for Future Services

In order to meet the ever-increasing needs for bandwidth in mobile networks, regulatory agencies often reallocate or "refarm" spectrum which had previously been used for other communications services. In many cases this refarmed spectrum must be cleared of both existing users and sources of...

T-Mobile LTE expansion continues on back of 700 MHz spectrum

New York City, Seattle and Cincinnati latest T-Mobile LTE markets to swim in 700 MHz spectrum T-Mobile US continues to throw 700 MHz spectrum at its LTE network, announcing the expansion of services in New York City, Seattle and Cincinnati. T-Mobile US said its LTE...

Dish wireless plans back on the table?

Firm announces handful of leadership changes, gains 3GPP band plan in boost to Dish wireless plans Dish Network rearranged its leadership structure and garnered an important spectrum band plan that could lead to movement in terms of the company’s deep wireless spectrum position. Dish CEO and...

Reader Forum: It’s time to stop auctioning spectrum to mobile operators

It is common wisdom these days to say that there is a “spectrum crunch.” That is, that we, the consuming public, are consuming more and more wireless data, and that the companies that provide us access to this data (the mobile operators) are running...

FCC Commissioner Rosenworcel gains committee reconfirmation

Democrat FCC Commissioner Rosenworcel now awaits full Senate vote on new term Jessica Rosenworcel won unanimous approval from the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee for reappointment to the Federal Communications Commission. The full Senate will now take up the vote on her reconfirmation. If reconfirmed...

Clinton pledges wireless infrastructure investment

Wireless infrastructure is part of Hillary Clinton's $275 billion dollar plan to invest public funds in key sectors of the American economy. The leading Democrat in the Presidential race said this week she wants to "build on the Obama Administration’s progress in fostering the...

Bluegrass completes build on Verizon rural LTE program

Bluegrass claims completion of 5-year build tied to Verizon rural LTE program Regional wireless operator Bluegrass Cellular said it completed the build out of its LTE network, which now covers its entire operating footprint. The deployment is part of a partnership with Verizon Wireless under...

AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon predicted to post $25B in auction bids

AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon expected to make up majority of auction’s $35B haul; wild cards include Google, Softbank Analysts are still trying to parse out expected bidding plans for participants in the Federal Communications Commission’s upcoming 600 MHz incentive auction, which could be a significant...

Anritsu Webinar: Protecting Your Spectrum Investments in Today’s Hostile Urban Jungle

The increasing reliance on wireless technologies makes it vital for spectrum users to monitor and control the RF operating environment. Interfering signals can degrade the capacity of communications networks, and illicit transmissions in the vicinity of prisons, national borders and critical infrastructure may represent...

Sprint LTE Plus advances hit 77 markets

Sprint LTE Plus branding for spectrum aggregation, beamforming technology Sprint said its ongoing network enhancements are now available in 77 “major” markets across the country and will be marketed under the LTE Plus moniker. Sprint CTO John Saw took to the carrier’s blog to tout the...

Thai telcos AIS, True obtain 4G licenses

Thai mobile operators paid $2.25B for 1800 MHz licenses Thai mobile operators AIS and True won two licenses in the 1800 MHz band put up for bid by Thailand’s National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission. The two-day auction raised a total of THB 80.8 billion...

Worst of the Week: T-Mobile Binge On sets the table for chaos

Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There’s a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the wrong way....

Startup aims to throw billions at spectrum auction

A startup called Rama plans to bid in next year's auction of broadcast frequency bands, and hopes to use the spectrum to launch a microcell network. Rama founder Chamath Palihapitiya told Re/code he thinks it will cost $4 billion to $10 billion to win...

Verizon publicly aloof on 600 MHz auction plans

Verizon CFO says carrier is comfortable with current spectrum depth Verizon Communications continues to dance around a firm commitment to participate in the Federal Communications Commission’s upcoming 600 MHz incentive auction process, with company CFO Fran Shammo telling an investor conference the carrier was comfortable...

Analyst Angle: 5G – promises and pitfalls

Although specifications for "5G" do not yet exist, aspects are crystallizing, including the ability to exploit frequencies never before used for cellular access; far greater capacity than today’s networks support; data rates faster than 1 gigabit per second; and super-low latency. All of these...

Sprint WiMAX shutdown put on hold

Court rules Sprint must maintain WiMAX network in support of nonprofits for 90 days A Massachusetts court ruled Sprint must maintain its WiMAX network for at least another 90 days in support of more than 300,000 customers still using the network to access the Internet....

Sprint results; T-Mobile LTE femtocell; WRC-15

Topics for this week's Carrier Wrap include Sprint results, T-Mobile's LTE femtocell and the upcoming WRC-15 event On this week's Carrier Wrap, we discuss Sprint's latest quarterly results, dig into T-Mobile US' recent release of an in-home LTE femtocell and speak with 4G Americas on...

GSMA, Huawei report on the use of C-Band spectrum

GSMA estimates the industry will need up to 800 megahertz of additional spectrum by 2020 The use of additional "C-band" spectrum in the 3.4 GHz to 4.2 GHz bands for mobile broadband in London and Shenzhen alone will generate an additional $440 million of economic...