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Sprint auction decision draws ire of FCC commissioner on proceedings

FCC commissioner Ajit Pai links Sprint decision to folly of FCC auction plans Sprint’s decision to sit out the Federal Communications Commission’s upcoming 600 MHz incentive auction proceedings drew the attention of Republican Commissioner Ajit Pai, who used the move to express his displeasure in...

Sprint dumps 600 MHz auction plans

Sprint dumps plans to participate in 600 MHz incentive auction citing robust holdings Sprint yanked its name from bidders in the Federal Communications Commission’s planned 600 MHz incentive auction. The carrier cited its current spectrum holdings, including its robust 2.5 GHz spectrum assets, as being sufficient...

Ofcom sets new annual fees for mobile spectrum

UK telcos to pay almost £200 million per year to use 900 MHz, 1800 MHz bands U.K. telecom regulator Ofcom has published revised annual fees for mobile operators, which determine the amount of money they must pay to use certain parts of the mobile spectrum. In 2010, the...

Ofcom Oks Qualcomm spectrum sale to Vodafone, 3UK

The UK regulator said the transaction will not create asymmetries in the market UK telecoms regulator Ofcom has approved the transfer of Qualcomm's L-band spectrum to local mobile telephony operators Vodafone and 3UK. In August, Qualcomm’s subsidiary Qualcomm UK Spectrum (QUKS) agreed to sell the entirety...

Reader Forum: FCC spectrum rules create business opportunities

3.5 GHz spectrum rules create opportunities for equipment makers and service providers The explosive growth in mobile broadband traffic and its concomitant strain on limited spectrum resources has required the Federal Communications Commission to engage in creative frequency allocation. To that end, the Commission...

Reader Forum: Latin America embraces the MVNO model

With all the challenges facing mobile network operators around the world – increasing competition, diminishing average revenue per user, network management costs, demanding customers who want more bandwidth – it’s no surprise that mobile virtual network operators are taking flight. Indeed, even big names...

T-Mobile US, CCA oppose AT&T 700 MHz deal

T-Mobile US and the Competitive Carriers Association are coming out in opposition to AT&T’s attempted acquisition of two lower 700 MHz B-Block licenses. AT&T said the deal is “wholly uncontroversial,” but CCA and T-Mobile US argue the move does not have the public’s best interest in mind. “These...

Sprint stock tumbles on Moody’s downgrade

Ratings firm questions Sprint’s long-term solvency Sprint’s stock took a hit Wednesday following a move by Moody’s Investors Service in downgrading several of the wireless carrier’s operating entities. In a research note, Moody’s downgraded Sprint’s corporate family rating from “B1” to “B3,” its probability of default...

CTIA Super Mobility 2015 Review: 4G is not dead; 5G lives; spectrum auctions; and plenty of video

The recently concluded CTIA Super Mobility event managed to include a number of significant news announcements while playing in the shadow of Apple’s annual unveiling of new iPhone devices. CTIA did its best to show its support for Apple, switching to coverage of the...

Sprint CEO charms CTIA audience, states Denver model for LTE-A plans

Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure regales CTIA attendees with humor, tackles network concerns LAS VEGAS – Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure’s comfort level at industry trade events continues to grow as the executive charmed attendees during a keynote address at this week’s CTIA Super Mobility event...

T-Mobile guarantees 700 MHz coverage, updates iPhone pricing

T-Mobile offers money-back coverage guarantee tied to 700 MHz ‘Extended Range LTE’ T-Mobile US is looking to take on perceptions about its network coverage, rolling out a coverage guarantee tied to support of its growing 700 MHz network in newer smartphones, including the latest Apple...

4G setting the table for 5G migration

LTE-based 4G networks expected to last through 2020, form basis of 5G LAS VEGAS – The telecom world gathered at this week’s CTIA Super Mobility 2015 event heard plenty about the continued evolution of wireless network technology under the “5G” banner, but those at carriers...

Wheeler confident in 600 MHz auction start date, expects robust participation

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler ‘supremely confident’ 600 MHz auction will begin on March 29 LAS VEGAS – Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler is very confident that the scheduled 600 MHz incentive auction process will indeed begin as planned on March 29, and that he...

Verizon 5G push set for trials in 2016

Verizon expects faster speeds, lower latency, support for IoT in 5G plans Verizon Wireless is moving aggressively into the “5G” space, announcing plans for field trials of the still un-defined network standard beginning next year with a number of key vendor partners. Verizon Wireless said it...

Worst of the Week: T-Mobile – the un-carrier vs. un-customers

Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There’s a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry, so this column is a chance for us at to rant and rave about whatever rubs us the wrong way....

800 MHz ESMR Spectrum Holders Team Up in Puerto Rico (sponsored content)

Preferred Communication Systems, Inc. and North Sight Communications, Inc., have agreed to team up to optimize their spectrum deployment in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The two companies together hold 9.15 MHz of ESMR cellular spectrum on the Islands. According to Barclay Knapp, Chief...

#TBT: Sprint dinged $1.3M by FCC; MetroPCS offers $5.1B for Leap … this week in 2007

Editor’s Note: RCR Wireless News goes all in for “Throwback Thursdays,” tapping into our archives to resuscitate the top headlines from the past. Fire up the time machine, put on the sepia-tinted shades, set the date for #TBT and enjoy the memories! FCC fines Sprint...

Verizon suitor for Dish spectrum?

Verizon cited as potential candidate for Dish spectrum at the right price With T-Mobile US rumored to be in the sights of a potential acquisition by any number of deep-pocketed cable providers, long-time suitor Dish Network could find Verizon Communications a possible partner for its...

T-Mobile target of a cable takeover?

New report claims Comcast or Charter ripe for a T-Mobile US takeover T-Mobile US’ future remains a hot topic among the analyst community, with waves of predictions on what the future holds for the domestic market’s most aggressive player. The latest dig came from Oppenheimer analyst...

FCC lays out next steps in 600 MHz incentive auction process

FCC states plans to release additional rules for reverse, forward auction components this fall The Federal Communications Commission continues to work toward the planned March 29, 2016, start date for its highly anticipated 600 MHz incentive auction, today laying out more details on the steps...

Northstar disputes FCC decision to revoke bidding credits

Northstar claims move was politically based and goes against tenants of DE program The Federal Communications Commission’s decision this week to revoke a $3 billion bidding credit tied to Dish Network drew a strong rebuke from one of the designated entities that actually ended up...

FCC revokes Dish Network’s $3B DE bidding credits

FCC vote puts pressure on Dish to come up with funds or find alternatives The Federal Communications Commission voted in favor of denying Dish Network $3 billion in bidding credits it garnered during a recent spectrum auction. The FCC voted this week to reverse bidding credits...

FCC aligns 600 MHz plans with Canada

FCC, Industry Canada agree on 600 MHz band plans in a move to reduce interference concerns The Federal Communications Commission continues to craft its 600 MHz spectrum plans, with the latest move coming in connection with Canada’s government regulators over harmonizing television and wireless spectrum...

4G Americas: Spectrum is an important component in 5G push

5G deployments set to require broad swath of spectrum support The race toward “5G” is propelling headlines and technology advances, but the need for sufficient spectrum to support the next generation of mobile technology could trip up the rush. Looking to get out ahead of the...