Local carrier Claro was the sole winner in the 5G auction
Chile raised nearly $90 million following the conclusion of a new spectrum auction, in which local carrier Claro obtained additional spectrum for 5G services.
In a release, Chilean telecom regulator Subtel confirmed that local telco...
This auction will award new spectrum to increase 5G coverage in more than 120 new locations across Chile
Chilean telecom regulator Subtel confirmed that the allocation of additional 5G spectrum will be carried out via an auction on June 17 after the announcement of a...
The main aim of the tender is to award up to five blocks of 10 megahertz each in the 3.5GHz spectrum band for 5G
Chilean operators Claro and Entel were the only bidders in Chile’s second 5G spectrum auction, local press reported.
The main aim of...
Chilean operators which will take place in the 5G auction are currently focused on guaranteeing telecom services in several regions affected by massive fires
Chilean telecommunications services regulator Subtel introduced new changes to the calendar for the spectrum auction through which it will award frequencies...
Under the new scheme, Subtel will announce the winners of the spectrum on March 5
Chilean telecommunications services regulator Subtel made new changes to the calendar for the spectrum auction through which it will award frequencies in the 3.5 GHz band.
Under the new scheme, Subtel...
Subtel said it will announce the winners of the 5G spectrum auction on February 20
Chilean telecommunications services regulator Subtel modified the calendar for spectrum auction through which it will award frequencies in the 3.5 GHz band.
Under the new scheme, Subtel will announce the winners...
Entel, Movistar and Wow activating 5G networks
Chilean mobile operators Entel, Movistar and Wow have started to activate 5G networks in the country, the government said in a release.
According to the Chilean government's plans, the deployment of 5G will require 9,000 new base stations, of...
Chilean mobile operator Movistar, owned by Spanish telecoms giant Telefonica, has selected Nokia to provide its AirScale portfolio to launch the operator’s 5G network in Chile.
In addition, Nokia will upgrade Movistar’s 4G and "4G+" networks to strengthen the critical network backbone across Chile’s key...
Chile completed what it claims to be the first tender to assign 5G spectrum in Latin America, the country’s telecommunications regulator Subtel said in a release.
The watchdog said that the government raised $453 million in four rounds (700 MHz, AWS, 3.5 GHz and 26...
Five Chilean operators have submitted bids to secure additional spectrum, including 5G frequencies, Chile’s telecommunications regulator Subtel said in a release.
Entel, Claro, Movistar, WOM and Borealnet made offers, according to the regulator. In total, the Chilean government is awarding 1.8 gigahertz of spectrum in...
The Mexican Federal Telecommunications Institute (Ifetel) has declared that América Móvil units Telmex and Telcel are prevailing economic operators in the telecommunications sector. Ifetel had already named Televisa the dominant operator in the broadcasting sector. According to local news reports, unlike the television agency,...
Telefónica’s Movistar and América Móvil’s Claro have been ordered to give their mobile infrastructure back to the Colombian state when their concessions end in 2014. Colombia's constitutional court ruled that the two operators are obliged by law to give the entire infrastructure back. According to...
A new carrier was announced in Brazil last week. On Telecom will begin its operations backed by billionaire financier George Soros. The new competitor, which is targeting a niche in the Brazilian market, will offer home and office connections over TD-LTE. On Telecom is...
The Chilean secretary of telecommunications (Subtel) has set technical rules for the use of the 700 MHz band. The formal declaration is the first milestone in the set of activities for launching a contest for the 700 MHz band, which will be allocated under...
Chilean watchdog Subtel has set new service quality indicators for Internet, mobile and fixed telephony services that will be used starting this year. According to the minister of transport and telecommunications, Pedro Pablo Errazuriz, the new indicators will replace the national average as the...
Chile has reached 4,342,397 mobile broadband Internet connections, representing a 24.9% penetration, according to the latest report from Chile's secretary of telecommunications, Subtel. Smartphone Internet connections represented 70.82% while dongles (modems) accounted for 29.18% of all 3G accesses by the third quarter of 2012.
The Chilean Claro has applied to the Chile's secretary of telecommunications (Subtel) to become an infrastructure concession operator. A Subtel spokesperson confirmed that Claro had submitted the application and said that the agency is evaluating the request.
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The Chilean government has set a series of ambitious telecommunication goals, including charging all types of voice calls as local calls and eliminating long distance rates or extra rates currently charged by mobile carriers. Also, Chile's secretary of telecommunications (Subtel) has released number portability...
Internet penetration in Chile reached 53.61% of all households, according to the secretary of telecommunications (Subtel). The agency also announced that Internet penetration per capita jumped from 13% in December 2009 to 34% in June 2012, reaching a level the government had originally projected...
Chile's department of telecommunications (Subtel) and the Chinese company Huawei have reached an agreement focused on knowledge transfer and cooperation to strengthen and improve expertise in mobile network technology, such as WCDMA RAN, HSPA, HSPA+ and LTE.
According to Subtel, the agreement was signed on...
A new legal regime to manage and rationalize the deployment and use of cellular antenna infrastructure across Chilean cities is set to take effect this week with the enactment of the Towers Act. The new antenna law has been in discussion for over a...
America Movil’s Chilean unit Claro, Telefonica’s local wireless operations Movistar, and Chilean Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (Entel) have each presented proposals for the 2.6 GHz frequency band tender, which will be responsible for the deployment of LTE networks in Chile.
Each proposal received scores, which...
An increase in mobile broadband connections, along with record telecom investments and smartphone penetration growth were the highlights of the Chilean wireless market in 2011.
According to the latest numbers from Chile's secretary of telecommunications (Subtel), the telecommunications industry generated $2.4 billion in investments in...
Chilean telecom regulator Subtel is considering auctioning the 700 MHz band for LTE, the Minister of Telecommunications, Pedro Pablo Errazuriz, said during the 37th Plenary Meeting of the GSMA Latin America. The meeting is held in Chile, gathering about 250 members from 30 Latin...