AT&T Mobility bolsters SXSW, Austin mobile coverage

AUSTIN, Texas--There was little carrier exposure in terms of physical presence at South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin this year, which is largely a shame due to all the opportunities for collaboration and investment available for mobile carriers at the...

AT&T Mobility bolsters SXSW, Austin mobile coverage

AUSTIN, Texas--There was little carrier exposure in terms of physical presence at South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin this year, which is largely a shame due to all the opportunities for collaboration and investment available for mobile carriers at the...

@ SXSW: Rock Health launches mobile and web apps venture

AUSTIN, Texas-Rock Health, a San Francisco-based mobile health and Health 2.0 seed incubator, launched officially at the South By Southwest Interactive Festival last week. The mission of the company is to provide healthcare expertise, development resources and funding to the...

@ SXSW: Rock Health launches mobile and web apps venture

AUSTIN, Texas-Rock Health, a San Francisco-based mobile health and Health 2.0 seed incubator, launched officially at the South By Southwest Interactive Festival last week. The mission of the company is to provide healthcare expertise, development resources and funding to the best ideas available to...

@ SXSW: Google navigates toward location-based strategy

AUSTIN, Texas-Marissa Mayer, VP of consumer products at Google, gave a keynote on Google Maps at South by Southwest (SXSW) on the first day of the Interactive Festival, March 11. Mayer kicked off by asking the audience how many people used maps on...

@ SXSW: Winners named in Microsoft Bizspark entrepreneur contest

AUSTIN, Texas-Thirty-two hungry entrepreneurs showed off their products and services at the SXSW Accelerator presented by Microsoft BizSpark on March 14 at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival. The initial 32 were picked from more than...

@ SXSW: Winners named in Microsoft Bizspark entrepreneur contest

AUSTIN, Texas – Thirty-two hungry entrepreneurs showed off their products and services at the SXSW Accelerator presented by Microsoft Corp. BizSpark on March 14 at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival. The initial 32 were picked from more than 400...

@ SXSW: Net neutrality debate cites flurry of voices

AUSTIN, Texas – Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) said he will introduce antitrust legislation to curb the influence of telecommunications lobbyists, but that effort will ultimately fail without the support of artists involved in online technology. Franken, who kicked off a number of...

@ SXSW: Net neutrality debate cites flurry of voices

AUSTIN, Texas – Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) said he will introduce antitrust legislation to curb the influence of telecommunications lobbyists, but that effort will ultimately fail without the support of artists involved in online technology. Franken, who kicked off a number of panels debating network-neutrality...

@ SXSW: Angry Birds Rio flocks to SXSW for demo with Rovio

AUSTIN, Texas-Our staff was able to view and shoot a demonstration of “Angry Birds Rio,” a take-off of the hit original game “Angry Birds,” at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival today. According to game developer Rovio, the app will debut exclusively on...

@ SXSW: Angry Birds Rio flocks to SXSW for demo with Rovio

AUSTIN, Texas – Our staff was able to view and shoot a demonstration of “Angry Birds Rio,” a take-off of the hit original game “Angry Birds,” at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival today. According to game developer Rovio, the app will debut exclusively...

@ SXSW: Mike Tyson KOs iPhone/iPad game for RockLive

AUSTIN, Texas-Former boxing king Mike Tyson showed up to knockout a promotion and sign autographs for RockLive’s new iPhone/iPad game, “Mike Tyson Main Event” at South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival on Sunday, March 13. The champ appeared approximately 45 minutes late, and forced...

@ SXSW: Mike Tyson KOs iPhone/iPad game for RockLive at SXSW

AUSTIN, Texas – Former boxing king Mike Tyson showed up to knockout a promotion and sign autographs for RockLive’s new iPhone/iPad game, “Mike Tyson Main Event” at South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival on Sunday, March 13. The champ appeared approximately 45 minutes late, and...

IBM Corp. gives a preview of company events at SXSW

AUSTIN, Texas-This is the first year IBM Corp. has involvement at Austin’s South by Southwest (SXSW) and the company felt the need to become a part of the festival to work with business and innovation, and of course, provide a ...

Google navigates toward location-based strategy at SXSW

AUSTIN, Texas-Marissa Mayer, VP of consumer products at Google, gave a keynote on Google Maps at South by Southwest (SXSW) on the first day of the Interactive Festival, March 11. Mayer kicked off by asking the audience how many people used maps on their phone....

Google checks in to FourSquare’s market with Latitude deals

Remember SXSW 2010, when check-in services such as FourSquare, Gowalla and BrightKite were hitting the big time? Austin was awash with people walking into closed doors as they stared intensely at their handsets, making sure they registered that all-important Starbucks check-in.

Appconomy launches the company’s first mobile app

AUSTIN, Texas-Appconomy, a local startup app developer, unveiled the company’s first app, barely preceding the start of South by Southwest (SXSW) on March 11. The app is named “Grouped{in}” and is designed to organize an individual’s work and personal life. The Austin-based company claims that...

Appconomy launches the company's first mobile app

AUSTIN, Texas-Appconomy, a local startup app developer, unveiled the company’s first app, barely preceding the start of South by Southwest (SXSW) on March 11. The app is named “Grouped{in}” and is designed to organize an individual’s work and personal life. The Austin-based company claims that...

Rumored Apple temp store to push iPad 2 sales at SXSW

AUSTIN, Texas-Downtown Austin is likely to blossom fruit this week in the form of Apple Inc. Several local news agencies are reporting that Apple will open a temporary store in the Scarborough building offices at 522 N. Congress Avenue in downtown Austin, near the... in ongoing name-game legal battle with Facebook

AUSTIN-Some argue that there is little to a name, but if any of those people work in the world of the Web, they are very wrong. For companies that use either the terms “face” or “book” in a name on the...

Mike Tyson to knockout new game at SXSW

AUSTIN-Mike Tyson, former undisputed heavyweight champion of the world, will visit the SXSW Interactive Festival from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 13 at the ScreenBurn Arcade located on level one, exhibit hall two in the Austin Convention...

IBM’s Watson supercomputer creator to lecture at SXSW

AUSTIN-David Ferrucci, lead researcher and principal investigator at IBM Corp. for the Watson/Jeopardy! project, is scheduled to speak at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival on March 14 from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel in downtown Austin. Attendance is...

IBM's Watson supercomputer creator to lecture at SXSW

AUSTIN-David Ferrucci, lead researcher and principal investigator at IBM Corp. for the Watson/Jeopardy! project, is scheduled to speak at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival on March 14 from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel in downtown Austin. Attendance is...