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Worst of the Week: T-Mobile joins Sprint in search for underpants

WOTW looks at a complaint lodged this week indicating the T-Mobile EIP program is playing loose and free with understandable business models Hello! And welcome to our Friday column, Worst of the Week. There’s a lot of nutty stuff that goes on in this industry,...

Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile could be part of record-setting auction process

This week we speak with Wireless 20/20 on the FCC’s 600 MHz auction, which could see record bids from the likes of Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile Few would argue about the complexity of the Federal Communications Commission’s ongoing 600 MHz incentive auction proceedings, with the...

T-Mobile pockets Chicago 700 MHz license from AT&T Leap subsidiary

T-Mobile 700 MHz coverage set to now include Chicago as it picks up A-Block license from AT&T’s Leap subsidiary, pushes total 700 MHz coverage to 269M pops T-Mobile US continued the expansion of its 700 megahertz spectrum portfolio, announcing a deal to acquire a 12-megahertz A-Block...

AT&T GoPhone prepaid service bolstered in battle against Verizon, T-Mobile

AT&T GoPhone prepaid customers are set to receive an extra 1 GB of LTE data to better position rate plans against offerings from Verizon and T-Mobile The carrier prepaid battles continue this week as AT&T Mobility bolstered the unthrottled data allotment for select GoPhone rate...

Analyst Angle: The outlook for Sprint (Pt. 3) – the price of success

In its immediate attempts to right its financial ship, is Sprint hampering its competitive position going forward against rivals Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile? Time for the third – and last – article on the immediate outlook for Sprint. And in the words of Billy Joel,...

Carrier small cells appear slowly but surely

T-Mobile commits to small cells as groundwork for 5G Small cell deployments are proving to be more complex, costly and time consuming in the U.S. than they were in East Asia, but wireless carriers know they need to move forward and are slowly but surely...

T-Mobile tech exec explains Un-carrier impact

T-Mobile customer base is ‘diverse, not ghetto;’ SVP calls out need to ‘industrialize small cells’ DALLAS — T-Mobile US is a very different company than it was back in 2011 on the heels of a failed deal with AT&T, so explained Dave Mayo, SVP of technology...

Reality Check: The Android world – May 2016 edition

Google’s Android platform is a powerhouse around the world, which Jim Patterson said could be set for even more growth at the expense of Apple Back when we wrote the first “Android World” column a few years ago, the thesis was that Google’s commitment to...

MetroPCS, Virgin, TracFone out-experience Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, AT&T

Latest Temkin Group survey found prepaid brands MetroPCS, Virgin and TracFone superior to postpaid focused Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint and AT&T Assumptions that prepaid customers are often neglected in terms of the overall customer experience was countered by a new survey from Temkin Group, which found...

AT&T expands BOGO, simplifies Next … 5 things to know today

IPhone and beyond: AT&T expands BOGO to most high-end phones 1. Summertime can be slow for smartphone upgrades, and AT&T Mobility is hoping for a springtime surge before summer sets in. The carrier is expanding its buy-one-get-one-free offer to several new smartphones, including more Samsung...

CEO details Sprint 5G plans, upcoming trial

Sprint 5G efforts supported by Nokia and Ericsson As carriers and vendors around the world race to trial "5G" technologies ahead of standardization, Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure, during a call this week with investors, detailed the carrier's 5G trial. Sprint has extensive spectrum holdings in the...

T-Mobile 5G plans look to maintain pace with AT&T and Verizon

T-Mobile 5G plans are set for a boost as the carrier filed applications for experimental spectrum license usage around its Washington headquarters T-Mobile US is moving on plans to begin testing of “5G” technologies, filing applications with the Federal Communications Commission to use experimental spectrum...