In efforts to achieve compatibility of mobile communications systems among public-safety agencies, several manufacturers contributing to the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International Inc.'s Project 25 have encountered communication snags of their own.Motorola Inc.'s Land Mobile Sector and E.F. Johnson Co. signed a joint licensing...
Seeking a bigger slice of the telephony pie, Cybertel Cellular is slashing prices for its new digital cellular service in Hawaii.Cybertel, a subsidiary of Ameritech Cellular Services, is offering customers airtime rates as low as 3.7 cents per minute in Hawaii Rural Service Area...
Overlapping markets and conflicting decisions on digital technology are two issues the new quartet of Bell Atlantic Corp., Nynex Corp., U S West Inc. and AirTouch Communications has to address. But the potential conflicts are all manageable, said company leaders.The foursome announced last month...
Illinois Superconductor Corp. said it has introduced an interference filter for cellular base station receivers that uses superconductor technology, enabling the base station to hear weaker signals more clearly.Superconductivity involves cooling certain metals and alloys to a very low temperature so electrical currents can...
MORRISTOWN, N.J.-AT&T Network Systems Inc. announced its PCS Minicell product portfolio, the flagship product in the company's new family of wireless base station products for personal communications services systems.PCS Minicells, according to AT&T, are small, cost-effective base stations designed to operate at 2 GHz...
Following is a laundry list of current and future cellular technologies: Circuit-switched networkThe most widespread option for transmitting cellular data is over the circuit-switched network, which is the existing analog cellular network, technically known as the AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Services) network. The circuit-switched network...
What's behind the recent wave of wireless mega-mergers and alliances?First, AT&T Corp. launched its bold acquisition of cellular leader McCaw Cellular Communications Inc., and MCI Communications Corp. responded by attempting to purchase a stake in enhanced specialized mobile radio operator Nextel Communications Inc. More...