Combining paging technology and personal organizer, PageMart Wireless Inc. announced agreements with Motorola Inc. and 3Com Corp. and with Texas Instruments Inc. to bring messaging capabilities to 3Com's PalmPilot handheld computer and TI's Advantra unit.PageMart said it plans to integrate its messaging network with...
NEW YORK-Working with Ericsson Inc. and Texas Instruments Inc., Powertel Inc. has just completed a successful "beam firing antenna" trial.The beam firing antenna array, tested in Auburn, Ala., increases efficiency by more than 20 percent and maximizes the linear distance that transmissions can travel,...
NEW YORK-Texas Instruments Inc, and Sun Microsystems Inc. want to keep things comparatively simple within the handset as demands on its capabilities grow more complex.With that goal in mind, the two companies announced an agreement last week that will permit delivery of Sun's Java...
DALLAS-DSC Communications Corp. reached an agreement to purchase Texas Instruments Inc.'s Telecommunications Systems Division in a cash transaction.Additional financial details were not disclosed by the companies.DSC said it will merge the business with its switching systems group when the purchase is completed by mid-June....
The hefty number of strong, new competitors entering the handset market doesn't intimidate longtime terminal supplier Audiovox Communications Corp."Look how many have exited in recent years, like Clarion, Sharp, Panasonic, Sanyo, NovAtel," said Philip Christopher, president and chief executive officer of the Hauppauge, N.Y.-based...
WASHINGTON-In a potential blow to Omnipoint Corp.'s planned initial public offering this week, wireless investor James Valentine has asked federal regulators to investigate whether the small Colorado firm is violating its pioneer's preference for a personal communications services license in New York. Valentine claims...
BOYNTON BEACH, Fla.-Motorola Inc. introduced its FLEX chip set, which it will license to semiconductor manufacturers, who in turn will sell the set to customers wanting to build FLEX-based products.The company expects samples of the chip set will be available later this year with...