Google has launched a beta test of a service that allows mobile users to access the Google database from handsets using short message service. Google SMS delivers local business and residential listings via Google Local and price comparisons through Users also can access...
Google has launched a beta test of a new service that allows mobile users to access its database from their handsets using short message service. Google SMS, which debuted Thursday, delivers localized business and residential listings via Google Local and price comparisons through
Thousands of protesters will use more than just placards, chants and giant puppets to gain attention at this week's Republican National Convention. They'll have specifically designed wireless communications too.As many as 5,000 of the expected 250,000 demonstrators at the RNC, which opens today in...
LOS ANGELES-Motorola Inc. and Rock the Vote have teamed to help wireless users decide on their favorite political candidate.The Mobile Find Your Candidate application provides a questionnaire that matches the user with the appropriate candidate. Questions focus on social and political issues, such as...
LOS ANGELES-Movie fans can download snarling ring tones and gruesome wallpaper and play a trivia game all based on the new film "Alien vs. Predator, " which opens tonight.Twentieth Century Fox collaborated with content providers Airborne Entertainment and Elite Systems Ltd. to offer the...
And I thought the acronyms of the wireless industry were unwieldy! In the age of text messaging there is a whole new language to be learned.Finally about a month ago I got up the nerve to inquire to my e-mail-addicted friend what LOL meant....
REDMOND, Wash.-AT&T Wireless Services Inc. announced it recorded a total of 13.5 million text-message votes cast during the past season of reality TV show "American Idol." The carrier said the number is up from last season's total of 7.5 million text-message votes-a sign that...
AT&T Wireless Services Inc. announced it recorded a total of 13.5 million text message votes cast during the past season of reality TV show "American Idol." The carrier said the number is up from last season's total of 7.5 million text message votes-a sign...
Wireless messaging applications in the United States typically involve voting for reality TV show contestants, participating in trivia contests or requesting some sort of information, and most cost a few dollars or less. But one company is hoping to expand the functions of text...
Are state legislatures beginning to over-legislate? It seems when states are not busy addressing hands-free legislation, they are trying their collective hands at laws that restrict the types of pictures people can take with camera phones. I'm not necessarily against this type of legislation,...
Could we, dare we get optimistic? There are signs. The Dow topped 10,000. People are beginning to believe the economy is rebounding.Wireless carriers continue to dodge one bullet after another. While Washington, D.C., is taking up the distracted-driving cause, it doesn't have the teeth...
LONDON-Following impressive growth in the U.S. market announced earlier this week, Virgin Mobile said its U.K. subsidiary had its best third-quarter performance, adding 269,381 new customers to push its subscribers base to 3.13 million. The company said its low texting tariff and other "value-focused"...
In a further promotion of its text messaging services, AT&T Wireless Services Inc. announced plans to expand its services globally to allow users to send messages to subscribers in China, Germany, Philippines, Singapore, the United Kingdom and a variety of other countries. Indeed, the...
CAMBRIDGE, United Kingdom-A pornographic newspaper in the United Kingdom said it has managed to develop a business around wireless porn by sending adult content to mobile-phone owners-bypassing the standard carrier sales channel.Users pay up to about $8 per month to access the content."We needed...
A pornographic newspaper in the United Kingdom said it has managed to develop a business around wireless porn by sending adult content to mobile-phone owners-bypassing the standard carrier sales channel.Users pay up to about $8 per month to access the content."We needed an easy...
MANILA, The Philippines-Filipinos are considered the most romantic "texters" in the Southeast Asia region, according to a recent survey commissioned by handset manufacturer Siemens. Conducted by Asia Market Intelligence, the survey covered 1,400 males and females ages 15 to 29 years old in Indonesia,...
MANILA, The Philippines—Filipinos prefer to use text messages on their mobile phones more frequently than e-mail to stay in touch with each other, according to a recent study conducted by German mobile-phone company Siemens. In the Siemens Mobile Lifestyle Survey, Filipinos were the heaviest...