Analyst Angle: Flip flop – Why the Flip video camera failed

Editor's Note: Welcome to our weekly feature, Analyst Angle. We've collected a group of the industry's leading analysts to give their outlook on the hot topics in the wireless industry.It was with great fanfare that Cisco Systems Inc. announced on Mar. 19, 2009, the...

@ ACUTA: Universities need to work with operators to get LTE services on campus

PHOENIX—Adequate wireless coverage is going to be a competitive advantage when students are choosing which university they attend. As such, universities are going to have to become proactive working with wireless operators if they want 4G services on their campuses.That was just one message...

@The Cable Show: Bringing TV and content up to the modern era

LOS ANGELES – Kicking off the final day of the cable industry’s big soiree, Federal Communications Commission Chair Julius Genachowski tried to dampen obvious concerns in the room over his latest regulatory plans. After duly applauding the cable industry for the massive investment it...

RIM co-CEO touts converged services: Balsillie: ‘This is ‘here and now’-type stuff’

SAN FRANCISCO -- Bullish on smartphone growth and confident of his company's surging market share, Research In Motion Ltd.'s co-CEO Jim Balsillie devoted his keynote address Thursday to ... consumer services.Mentioning - but giving short shrift to - RIM's three new devices destined for...

The Q&A: Blake Krikorian

Blake Krikorian is CEO of Sling Media, purveyor of the SlingBox, which allows users to stream content from their home television to either a laptop or mobile device.Q: Mobile television and video services have continued to grow in scale and quality over the past...

PODCAST: Sling Media’s Blake Krikorian on the future of video

In the world of off-deck mobile video, Sling Media Inc. has pushed the envelope quite successfully. Indeed, the fact the television is no longer anchored to the living room is partly due to the company's innovation. By place-shifting the content of users' set-top boxes...

DirectTV users get mobile access to their digital recorders

DirectTV Inc. introduced a new mobile site that will allow its TV subscribers to manage their digital video recorders remotely. The new offering comes nearly a year after TiVo Inc. introduced a similar service for cellphone users.According to DirectTV's Web site, the company's new...

Margins Check: ‘South Park,’ TiVo, SanDisk and more

Editor's Note: Welcome to On the Margins, a feature for RCR Wireless News' weekly e-mail service, Mobile Content and Culture. Every week, the RCR Wireless News staff considers events in the wider business world and how they could affect the wireless industry.--MTV Networks announced...

Analyst Angle: Why Do Media Companies Want to be Wireless Service Providers?

Editor's Note: Welcome to our Monday feature, Analyst Angle. We've collected a group of the industry's leading analysts to give their outlook on the hot topics in the wireless industry. In the coming weeks look for columns from Current Analysis' Avi Greengart, iGR's Iain...

Brands call up the third screen: Using wireless to market frought with risk, reward

As companies seek to extend their brands into the mobile space and take advantage of its one-on-one, personal connections, they face the challenges of a medium that can look like television or the Internet but is not quite the same as either. Companies are...

TiVo Mobile hits Verizon Wireless after months of delay

A year after the companies first announced their plans for the offering, Verizon Wireless and TiVo said the TiVo Mobile application for BREW-capable cellphones is now available to Verizon Wireless subscribers. The application is selling for $2 per month, and allows TiVo owners to...

Verizon joins opponents of IPR proposal for broadcasters

WASHINGTON—Verizon Communications Inc. is one of three dozen technology companies that have joined forces to oppose a plan to give broadcasters new intellectual property rights to audiovisual material. Verizon, AT&T Corp., Dell Inc., Intel Corp., TiVo Inc. and others are lobbying against a "broadcast...

Verizon joins opponents of IPR proposal for broadcasters

WASHINGTON—Verizon Communications Inc. is one of three dozen technology companies that have joined forces to oppose a plan to give broadcasters new intellectual property rights to audiovisual material. Verizon, AT&T Corp., Dell Inc., Intel Corp., TiVo Inc. and others are lobbying against a "broadcast...

Action Engine scores, TiVo deals

LAS VEGAS—Action Engine Corp. reported a pair of high-profile multimedia partnerships. The first deal is with and calls for the launch of a beta mobile new service featuring an advertising business model that allows the service to be provided free to users. The...

Congress wades into digital copyrights fray

WASHINGTON-Technology may be the only way to solve the centuries-old battle between copyright owners and consumers who want authorization to make copies of protected works. "We don't have a political solution, but if we could come up with a technological solution maybe we could...

Verizon Wireless exclusive carrier for TiVo Mobile

ALVISO, Calif.-TiVo Inc. took another small step toward wireless, inking a deal to allow Verizon Wireless subscribers to use their wireless phone as a TiVo remote control. The companies unveiled a downloadable BREW application that can be used to program TiVo's digital video recording...

Verizon Wireless exclusive carrier for TiVo Mobile

ALVISO, Calif.—TiVo Inc. took another small step toward wireless this week, inking a deal to allow Verizon Wireless subscribers to use their wireless phone as a TiVo remote control. The companies unveiled a downloadable BREW application that can be used to program TiVo’s digital...

Foes square off on broadcast-flag issue before FCC

WASHINGTON-A technology expert warned last week that if Congress authorizes the Federal Communications Commission to require a broadcast flag in digital TV transmissions, the FCC could wind up as a gatekeeper for innovation. A broadcast flag is coding that would prevent the indiscriminate copying...

Verizon to expand Vcast with CES announcement

Verizon Wireless is expected to make headlines once again at the International Consumer Electronics Show this week in Las Vegas, unveiling a full-track mobile music download service. The carrier, which last year launched its Vcast offering at CES, looks to expand the service with...

RCR Wireless News’ Person of the Year: Ed Zander

Editor's Note: Each year, the RCR Wireless News editorial staff chooses the person who has impacted the wireless industry the most during the past 12 months. This year's choice is Motorola Inc.'s Ed Zander. Since the beginnings of the U.S. wireless industry, Motorola represented...

Motorola’s Zander RCR Wireless News ‘Person of the Year’

Editor's Note: Each year, the RCR Wireless News editorial staff chooses the person who has impacted the wireless industry the most during the past 12 months. This year's choice is Motorola Inc.'s Ed Zander. Since the beginnings of the U.S. wireless industry, Motorola represented...

TiVo launches app for Windows Mobile devices

DALLAS-TV recording company TiVo Inc. announced its new TiVoToGo service will allow users to download recorded TV shows to Windows Mobile devices, including personal digital assistants and smart phones. "TiVo has always been at the forefront of putting consumers in charge of their entertainment...

More join mobile video bandwagon

LAS VEGAS-The stampede toward mobile video continued at the Consumer Electronics Show as content providers, carriers and TV networks announced alliances to bring televised content to on-the-go viewers. SmartVideo Technologies Inc. announced a series of agreements to bring television network content to devices using...