ASTANA, Kazakhstan-Leading Kazakh carrier GSM Kazakhstan said the Finnish Sonera has granted it a US$55 million loan for further development in 2003 and the introduction of new technologies, such as General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and multimedia message service (MMS).GSM Kazakhstan's Financial Director Bora...
ISTANBUL-Sonera, Cukorova Group and Turkcell, all shareholders of Fintur Holding B.V., announced they have closed a share purchase agreement in which Sonera and Turkcell have bought Cukorova's 39.69-percent holding in Fintur. Fintur is a Dutch holding company that has majority stakes in four GSM...
LONDON-As the tech sector continues a shaky recovery and telecom companies in Europe and the United States offer nothing much to write home about, the Middle East continues its love affair with the mobile phone unabated, and its operators continue to see strong increases...
STOCKHOLM, Sweden-Wireless equipment vendor LM Ericsson signed two multimedia messaging service infrastructure contracts, one with Turkish carrier Turkcell and the other with Spanish operator Amena.The technology enables such applications as text, image, voice, video and animation. The amount of the contract was not revealed...
ISTANBUL, Turkey-Turkish cellular operator Turkcell commercially launched its multimedia messaging service allowing subscribers to add images and sounds to basic text messages.Pricing for the service will be free for a limited promotional period with the carrier charging 30 cents per message regardless of the...
ISTANBUL, Turkey-Turkish wireless carrier Turkcell reported adding approximately 1.1 million net subscribers during the second quarter, doubling the 511,000 net customer additions reported for the first quarter of this year. The carrier said it now serves 13.8 million wireless customers consisting of 4.6 million...
ISTANBUL, Turkey-Turkish wireless carrier Turkcell reported adding approximately 1.1 million net subscribers during the second quarter, doubling the 511,000 net customer additions reported for the first quarter of this year. The carrier said it now serves 13.8 million wireless customers consisting of 4.6 million...
HELSINKI, Finland—Sonera said it reached a deal with other shareholders of the Dutch holding company Fintur Holdings that will allow Sonera to increase its stake in the GSM businesses of the group.Cukurova Group holds 39.69 percent of Fintur, Sonera has a 35.31-percent stake and...
HELSINKI, Finland—Sonera said it reached a deal with other shareholders of the Dutch holding company Fintur Holdings B.V. that will allow Sonera to increase its stake in the GSM businesses of the group.Cukurova Group holds 39.69 percent of Fintur, Sonera has a 35.31-percent stake...
KIEV, Ukraine-Ukraine has witnessed a wireless market boom during the past 18 months, with the number of subscribers jumping from 300,000 to 1.35 million and GSM taking a firm lead among other technologies. The country's wireless penetration during the past six months increased from...
ISTANBUL, Turkey—Turkish mobile carrier Turkcell today said it will launch its new mobile Internet service, SurfCell for WAP and General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) users.Users will be able to access Internet sites through either Turkcell's WAP page or by entering the address on their...
LONDON—Turkey's newest mobile-phone operator, Aycell, has announced it will be technically operational later this month.Aycell, which is run by state-run telephone carrier Turk Telekom, issued a statement announcing that its infrastructure installation will be complete by 22 August across seven Turkish provinces. The statement...
ISTANBUL, Turkey-Turkcell, a mobile communications services provider in turkey that serves 10.1 million subscribers, introduced a new tariff package called "Super On Net."The company said the new tariffs are aimed at continuing subscriber growth, encouraging subscriber loyalty with discounts on Turkcell-to-Turkcell calls and increasing...
LAS VEGAS-Sonera's zed portal service won a major victory last week as wireless carrier Vodafone U.K. adopted the services for use in the United Kingdom. Vodafone Group plc offers its own portal service to carriers in conjunction with Vivendi, called Vizzavi, and the carrier...
AlcatelEgypt. With MobiNil for an extension of its GSM network.Value: US$37.1 millionFrance. With Cegetel for the supply of a UMTS network.Value: UndisclosedEricssonCanada. With Rogers AT&T Wireless for a 3G network, including a complete GSM/GPRS network infrastructure and migrating the network to EDGE and UMTS.Value: UndisclosedPortugal. With Optimus...
NEW YORK-A U.S. class action lawsuit was filed last week against Turkish cell-phone operator Turkcell. The lawsuit was commenced on behalf of all persons or entities purchasing Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetler A.S. American Depository Shares from July 10 to Sept. 21.Turkcell, Turkey's dominant cell-phone operator...
EricssonCanada. With Microcell Connexions for a GPRS network.Value: UndisclosedChina. With China Unicom for GSM expansions in Jilin, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Anhui and Hubei provinces.Value: US$176 millionLaos. With Lao Telecommunications Co. for GSM switching.Value: US$1.2 millionMexico. With Pegaso forCDMA equipment for its PCS network.Value: US$200 millionTurkey. With Turkcell for a...
NEW YORK-In November and December, Sonera zed U.S. Inc. "will dip its big toe into the waters of mobile commerce to see if they're warm," and it plans user trials by next spring, said J. Paul Hughes, vice president of business development."There are a...
NEW YORK-Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., the largest of Turkey's two operating Global System for Mobile communications carriers, raised about $1.9 billion in its initial public offering last week.Goldman Sachs International and Morgan Stanley Dean Witter were joint global coordinators for the sale, which comprised...
MexicoFour Mexican wireless telephone operators-Baja Cellular, Movitel, Norcel and Cedetel-signed a $66 million expansion contract with Motorola Inc. to provide an end-to-end Code Division Multiple Access network solution. The contract calls for $46 million in infrastructure expansion, including SC4812T base transceiver stations, controllers and...
ISTANBUL, Turkey-All four consortia vying for Turkey's fourth Global System for Mobile communications license withdrew from the auction without bidding. A company owned by Telecom Italia and Turkey's Isbank grabbed the third license for US$2.52 billion last week.The third license bid was nearly double...
Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S., the largest of Turkey's two Global System for Mobile communications operators, is planning a $200 million debt issue to finance continued expansion of its network and future introduction of wireless data and Internet access services.By the end of November, Istanbul-based...
GreecePanafon and France Telecom announced recently they are holding discussions regarding a possible offering or an issue of an exchangeable bond by France Telecom of all or part of its remaining 20-percent equity stake in Panafon. France Telecom sold a 15-percent stake in November...