What won’t happen in 2021: industrial 5G-proper (3GPP pushes Release 17 to 2022)

The hype around industrial 5G – the only 5G hype worth getting hyped about – has been knocked off course, after the 3GPP standards group said Release 17 of the 5G New Radio (NR) standard will not be completed until 2020, a year behind...

Industry to drive URLLC-era 5G market to $23bn by 2030 – with boom for operators

It is a little early, some way ahead of the standardisation schedule, but the first (?) market-sizing forecast is in for Release-17 era ultra-reliable low-latency communications (URLLC), pegged as the blue-riband version of 5G, geared towards more rarefied industrial change.  The crystal ball gazers over...

5G diverse use cases and evolving standards

  Although 5G deployments have started, many challenges are ahead for both operators and platform vendors. 5G DIVERSE USE CASES AND EVOLVING STANDARDS To understand the challenges, it is instructive to compare 4G to 5G use cases. 4G has one main use case: mobile data. 5G, on the...

Dell Technologies White Paper: 5G Innovation in APJ: Distributing Virtualization to Drive Innovation

  Virtualized infrastructure investments today can allow operators to quickly scale and monetize consumer and enterprise 5G services tomorrow. Operators in both mature and developing cellular markets are formulating near- and long-term 5G strategies in order to capitalize on immediate consumer-facing services as well as more...

67 local licences in 10 months – 5G in the home of Industry 4.0 and the jeapordy for carriers

Germany has issued 67 local spectrum licences for private LTE and 5G to enterprises since November 2019. What should we make of this number, and the run-rate so far for industrial-grade cellular in the home of Industrie 4.0? Because 67 does not sound like that...

Tapping into Industry 4.0 with 5G private networks (Reader Forum)

“Productivity isn’t everything, but, in the long run, it’s almost everything.” This oft-quoted aphorism from economist and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman has new life in the shadow of Covid-19. Despite its hefty toll on the global economy, the pandemic presents an opportunity to refocus...

Nokia intros private 5G SA for industry, ties-up 5G mining deal with Sandvik

Nokia has announced the commercial availability of its industrial-grade standalone 5G (5G SA) solutions for private enterprise networks, alongside a new contract with the mining division of Swedish tool manufacturer Sandvik for deployment of a 5G SA network at its test mine in Tampere,...

Private 5G to outrun public 5G for spend and spectrum – but it will take 15 years

Spending on private and shared enterprise networks will surpass spending on public cellular networks in about 15 years. The traditional operator community has a fight on its hands to guarantee a place at the table, as the new Industry 4.0 networking feast unfolds over...

Can today’s 5G meet the expectations of instant gratification? (Reader Forum)

We live in an era where everything is moving extremely fast. The pace of technology innovation is wiring our brains to expect instant gratification – be it from devices and applications we use or sadly even from people we interact with. The instant download...

Metals & Mining | Digging with data – unique challenges, cellular solutions (part 3)

This article continues from here (part 2). It is also available to download (for free) in full, as a standalone report – from here. The report features additional information. It forms part of Enterprise IoT Insights’ ongoing Making Industry Smarter report series, which has...

Ericsson tests URLLC capabilities for factory automation at Audi’s P-Labs

  Ericsson and Audi announced they are currently testing Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication (URLLC) capabilities for factory automation at the car manufacturer’s P-Labs facility in Germany. The two companies highlighted that smart factories of the future with automated production systems featuring robots and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs)...

Why 5G doesn’t amount to a hill of beans, and it is not enough for operators

Telecoms operators must do more than just sell connectivity. It is a maxim that gets repeated, often, and always – and one that, in the end, becomes more like a stick to beat them with than a code of survival, as they fail over...

NGMN and 5G-ACIA to unite operators and industrialists around 5G

The Next Generation Mobile Networks Alliance (NGMN) and the 5G Alliance for Connected Industries and Automation (5G-ACIA) are looking to drive cooperation between operators and industries to capitalize on opportunities with industrial 5G. The pair have announced an agreement to “jointly shape and promote” industrial...

Cellular IoT to outgun 5G, says Ericsson, offering early snapshot of industrial 5G, private networks

The number of cellular IoT connections, mostly to machines, will continue to outrun the number of 5G connections, mostly to people, for at least five years. Ericsson predicts cellular IoT connections will reach 4.1 billion by 2024, compared with 1.9 billion 5G connections. According...

Qualcomm: Industrial 5G will start late 2019, taking its cues from consumer 5G

The industrial 5G market will benefit from the consumer 5G market, with network deployments starting in earnest in late 2019 and early 2020, as industrial devices take advantage of the muscular combination of connectivity, compute power, and security brought to bear in 5G smartphones....

Orange on LPWA: “If there’s no improvement in the radio, we’ll keep the same system”

Note, this article is continued from a previous post, entitled “Orange on IoT: ‘We’re different; we take innovation to the customer’”. Click here to go to the previous article. The role of Orange Business Services as a “carrier-grade systems integrator” might sound familiar (see...

Private networks and public slices will combine in hybrid industrial 5G, says Nokia

Note, this article is continued from a previous post, entitled ‘Industrial companies are building private networks because they have to, says Nokia’. Click here to go to the previous article.  Where were we? Oh yes: part-way through a narrative about the desire of industry to...

The journey to 5G: Communications and computing will converge in the clouds

Next-gen mobile services depend on pervasive cloud capabilities While early 5G deployments are limited in scale and services, the best is yet to come. Like previous generational wireless cellular upgrades, 5G is a disruptive change to the overall telco/carrier architecture marked by a transition to...

From 50ms to 1ms and 5x9s to 6x9s – Nokia makes case for private industrial networks

Note, this is the second part in a feature about Nokia'snew industrial strategy. The first instalment can be found here.  Nokia’s latest results, which saw shares slip on a slow forecast for 2019 5G sales, present the company’s strategic re-organisation around three so-called ‘pillars’ –...

Three use cases only workable with URLLC-flavoured 5G

Further to last week’s sub-polemic on the wrongheaded marketing of 5G services, it is worth considering, again, just how transformational the next generation of mobile technology could be – and why the hype is building so feverishly in the first place. Of course, the only...

Why 5G is a slow-burning enterprise saga – and Verizon’s criticism of 5G marketing doesn’t go far enough

“The potential for 5G is awesome,” Verizon chief tech officer Kyle Malady wrote in an open letter this week, in protest at the early marketing of rather middle-of-the-road ‘5G’ services being pushed by the telecoms industry at large. “The potential to over-hype and under-deliver is...

5G integrated transport solutions and key technologies based on OTN evolution

  As a new generation of mobile communication standards, 5G becomes a hotspot in the industry. The 5G network provides eMBB (enhanced Mobile Broadband), uRLLC (ultra Reliable & Low Latency Communication) and mMTC (massive Machine Type of Communication) services, and has new requirements of transport...

What is URLLC?

It's a big aspect of 5G but what is URLLC? Ultra-reliable low-latency communication, or URLLC, is one of several different types of use cases supported by the 5G New Radio (NR) standard, as stipulated by 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) Release 15. URLLC will cater...

Ericsson ‘fingerprints’ radio network to enhance NB-IoT, LTE-M positioning

Swedish vendor Ericsson is looking at ways to employ artificial intelligence to enable advanced “fingerprinting” of mobile radio networks to enhance the positioning resolution of LTE-M and NB-IoT devices. The initiative will have implications for both the consumer and enterprise space, it said. However, the...