NATE Unite celebrates 20th anniversary
This week was the 20th anniversary of the National Association of Tower Erectors' conference NATE Unite. This annual event sees people from all over come together to discuss the wireless infrastructure industry. In recent years, the focus has become safety, especially...
Ntelos sells 85 towers
Grain Management announced the closing of a deal to acquire 85 towers from Ntelos Holdings. The towers are said to be worth $2.2 million in cash flow, though the exact cost of the transaction has yet to be disclosed. This deal...
Tower companies are adding capacity to cellular networks by co-locating more than one carrier per tower, and many towers are feeling the strain. In addition, LTE architectures place electronics at the tops of towers instead of on the ground, further adding to the weight at...
AT&T turf vendor Velocitel has named a new CEO effective immediately. Former CEO James Estes, who will continue with Velocitel as chairman of the board, told employees late last week that Kevin Hostetler will take on the CEO role and will be charged with...