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Security concerns around Windows 10 Wi-Fi Sense

Wi-Fi Sense automatically shares encrypted Wi-Fi passwords to various contact lists A new default feature of Microsoft Windows 10, called Wi-Fi Sense, automatically shares an encrypted version of your Wi-Fi password with contacts stored in Outlook, Hotmail or Skype. As expected, network security commentators were quick...

Huawei demos small cell with LAA and Wi-Fi

Huawei has demonstrated a small cell running Wi-Fi and LTE in unlicensed spectrum. The demonstration, conducted with NTT DoCoMo, showed Wi-Fi and licensed-assisted access both operating in the 5 GHz band. Listen-before-talk was used for LTE. Listen-before-talk is a protocol usually associated with Wi-Fi that...

NYC Wireless – HetNet Happenings: Episode 22

This week on HetNet Happenings, RCR Wireless News Managing Editor Sean Kinney takes a look at the booming wireless ecosystem developing in New York City. Former Federal Communications Commission member Jonathan Adelstein, the current president and CEO of PCIA, the Wireless Infrastructure Association, called New...

Reader Forum: Top 5 connectivity technologies to watch in 2015 and beyond

With the “Internet of Things” reaching into every aspect of modern life, analysts predict the number of connected devices to reach around 5 billion by the end of this year – up 30% from 2014. By the end of the decade, that number is...

For the first time, Wi-Fi comes to Cuba

Some 35 hot spots now available but the $2 per hour charge is 10% of monthly median income As the United States eases economic and diplomatic relationships with Cuba, one of the least connected countries in the world is slowly ramping up connectivity with the...

NYC could equip trash cans with Wi-Fi hot spots

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has made improving Internet access in the city a hallmark of his time in office. The latest iteration could involve equipping some of the city’s sidewalk trash bins with Wi-Fi hot spot technology. Massachusetts-based Bigbelly, which specializes in...

Researchers send data over UHF ‘Super’ Wi-Fi

"Due to the popularity of cable, satellite and Internet TV, the UHF spectrum is one of the most underutilized portions of the wireless spectrum in the United States. That's a bitter irony because the demand for mobile data services is expected to grow tenfold...

Wi-Fi Aware connects the (nearby) world

Following years of collaborative development, the Wi-Fi Alliance has released Wi-Fi Aware, a sort of always-on mechanism for device-to-device discovery that doesn't requires a GPS, cellular or hot spot connection. The Wi-Fi Alliance, founded in 1999, is a global nonprofit dedicated to furthering Wi-Fi technology...

Google MVNO works great, needs device options

Project Fi, a Wi-Fi-first mobile option, is supported by T-Mobile US and Sprint networks Early reviews are in and it looks like Google’s Project Fi, the tech giant’s entrance into the mobile virtual network operator space, is a success, particularly with Wi-Fi calling, but lacks...

Japan to equip Mount Fuji with Wi-Fi

Soon to come: tweets from Mount Fuji The demand to stay connected has reached new heights. After an avalanche of requests from hikers, the highest point in Japan will soon have a Wi-Fi connection as Japanese officials begin to install free hot spots on Mount...

Exclusive: Nokia details 5G R&D strategy

The next generation of "5G" mobile connectivity promises virtually no latency based on dynamic use of technology like LTE-Advanced, Wi-Fi and small cells comprising ultra-dense networks. And with limited commercialization slated for as early as 2018, research and development is going on in earnest. Technology...

Virgin to offer in-flight Wi-Fi video streaming

Airline partners with ViaSat to harness satellite-based Wi-Fi rather than ground-based connectivity Airline Virgin America, owned by billionaire Richard Branson, this week announced a partnership with ViaSat that promises to bring in-plane Wi-Fi with enough throughput to support streaming-video applications like Netflix or HBO Go. At...

Life pro tip: How to get free airplane Wi-Fi

Let’s face it: airplane Wi-Fi is a total bummer. Entire jets full of people share a miniscule level of throughput that’s generally not even close to the threshold needed for video streaming. And you have to pay for it. Not the case, according to one...

Republic Wireless expands cellular data refund

MVNO Republic Wireless credits cash for unused cellular data Following up on a trial earlier this year, mobile virtual network operator Republic Wireless expanded the availability of new rate plans that refund costs associated with unused cellular data as a credit on a customer’s bill. Republic...

Wireless workforce: Wi-Fi certification opens doors for RF engineers

As cellular and wireless networks become more integrated indoors, network architects are designing systems that can work together, and recruiters are looking for engineers and installers who have skill sets in both areas. American Tower is hiring distributed antenna system RF optimization engineers to maintain...

Adult video consumption set to explode thanks to 4G, LTE

New report from Juniper Research predicts 55% increase in adult video consumption by 2020 Adult video content is set to explode across the mobile space, with a new report suggesting each smartphone user that accesses such content will watch nearly one adult video each day...

#TBT: Verizon updates wireless Web; Moto launches camera phone … 11 years ago this week

Editor’s Note: RCR Wireless News goes all in for “Throwback Thursdays,” tapping into our archives to resuscitate the top headlines from the past. Fire up the time machine, put on the sepia-tinted shades, set the date for #TBT and enjoy the memories! Verizon updates...

LTE-U testing: 5 studies and their results (Part 1)

As the use of LTE over unlicensed spectrum moves toward field trials expected later this year, LTE-U testing results that show mixed results as to its ability to co-exist fairly with Wi-Fi have been presented by a number of industry players. Even the basic...

Republic Wireless scurries to stay ahead of Google Fi

For a successful startup, finding out that Google is the newest competitor in the space could be a little bit like learning that the "Jurassic World" Indominus rex is out of its cage. Escape may seem like the only option, but not for North Carolina's...

Public gigabit Wi-Fi rollout in NYC

Pay phones are being replaced by Wi-Fi access points in LinkNYC project An ambitious project to bring super high-speed public Wi-Fi to all five boroughs of New York City envisions replacing some 10,000 antiquated phone booths with so-called Links. The LinkNYC project, which has the full...

Voice over Wi-Fi: smaller operators lead the way

As Wi-Fi hot spots proliferate and mobile operators transition to IP-based networks, voice over Wi-Fi is emerging as a viable way for service providers to increase coverage. Regional operators and mobile virtual network operators are looking at Wi-Fi as a way to compete with...

Sri Lanka Telecom announces islandwide Wi-Fi

Ruckus Wireless to provide equipment, Alepo to provide software for Wi-Fi to support 20 million Sri Lankans Service provider Sri Lanka Telecom today announced a plan to deploy an islandwide Wi-Fi network to serve some 20 million people with the help of Ruckus Wireless and...

LTE-U: Fair sharing, or ‘disastrous’ for Wi-Fi?

The comment period for the Federal Communications Commission's query on the use of LTE over unlicensed spectrum ends this Friday, but companies are heatedly dueling over the technology in the industry comments submitted thus far. The debate falls along unsurprising fault lines: The companies that have...

Reality Check: Using the ‘BEAM’ method for public Wi-Fi deployment

When entering a new place – restaurant, gym, home or other location – it’s just a matter of time before someone asks for the Wi-Fi password. It’s becoming commonplace for public facilities to offer free Wi-Fi to their customers, allowing them to browse online free...