Proof, perhaps, that the private 5G market is getting busier with equipment vendors both big and small: amid all the enterprise-5G focus at MWC Las Vegas this week, US-based Wilson Electronics, a maker of signal repeaters for residential and enterprise customers, stuck out a...
5G will have a presence in 2020, but will still not be as ubiquitous as 4G LTE
According to Bruce Lancaster, CEO at Wilson Electronics, signal amplification or boosting will continue to be cost effective and critical for solving in-building connectivity issues in 2020. As,...
The wireless industry has undergone dramatic changes this year. We’re moving ever-closer to 5G availability. The FCC held a vote on eliminating the personal use restriction in Part 20.21 for cell signal boosters, and LEED-certified buildings, while rising in popularity, contain materials that block...
From business case to technology, enterprises need in-building cellular, but how do you find the solution that's best for you?
Often referred to as the fourth utility, right up there with electricity, water and gas, in-building cellular coverage is an imperative for a modern enterprise....
LAS VEGAS – Service providers that want to boost coverage and capacity indoors often consider DAS, small cells, signal boosters and/or Wi-Fi offload, or a combination of these approaches. Infrastructure providers are looking at ways to combine more than one of these solutions, and now...
California's Department of Motor Vehicles knew that cellular coverage was inadequate at its Sacramento headquarters. The 500,000-square-foot facility needed to support not only its own workforce but also the hundreds of people who use cellphones while waiting in line each day, many of whom...