MIAMI-The market opportunity for international roaming is clear, present and growing, but domestic U.S. carriers so far have been focused on tapping the large and more immediate potential posed by the burgeoning data traffic at home."Many of the U.S. carriers I follow have not...
WASHINGTON-The close of the six-year, US$27 million Wireless Technology Research program in the United States has re-energized a public debate about whether mobile telephones cause cancer or pose other health problems to the nation's 70 million wireless subscribers. Indeed, WTR Chairman George Carlo claims...
BRAINARDSVILLE, N.Y.-Bell Atlantic Corp. said it has begun testing wireless local loop technology as an alternative to traditional landline telephone service for many of the company's rural customers."If it lives up to its potential during our tests, this wireless service will provide some significant...
As the arms of wireless communications continue to stretch across the country, wireless local loop services are becoming increasingly popular, especially in rural areas where landline phones don't reach many homes and businesses.In the past year, companies such as Western Wireless Corp. and Frontier...
The subject of organ donation is rarely a casual conversation. It's a frightening subject because it forces you not only to confront your own mortality, but the mortality of your loved ones.And yet, educating the public about organ transplants is a challenge Arlene Harris...
WASHINGTON-An International Telecommunication Union task group in Beijing last week approved a carrier-crafted plan to harmonize competing U.S. and European Code Division Multiple Access technologies for Internet-friendly third-generation mobile phones, paving the way for the compromise to be translated into a new, global-roaming standard...
NEW YORK-By July, Atlantic Tele-Network Inc. plans to launch service under the Cellular One brand in Bermuda, a tax-haven country with the third-highest per-capita income in the world and average monthly cellular phone bills of $89.The holding company, based in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin...
ARLINGTON, Va.-Federal Communications Commission Chairman William Kennard last week launched a new effort to export the telecommunications revolution to African nations and other developing countries."Fair, open and transparent regulatory processes are essential to U.S. companies doing business abroad. This initiative is designed to promote...
WASHINGTON-The close of the six-year, $27 million Wireless Technology Research L.L.C. program has re-energized a public debate about whether mobile telephones cause cancer or pose other health problems to the nation's 70 million wireless subscribers.Indeed, WTR Chairman George Carlo claims new studies suggest a...
WASHINGTON-The Federal Communications Commission should encourage the deployment of wireless technology in rural America, including Indian reservations, said 11 Senate Democrats last week."As you know, there are some rural areas that currently lack basic phone service or have very inadequate service. Some of these...
WASHINGTON-The fallout of last week's Federal Communications Commission decision on solving the dead-zone problem saw the chairman's office denouncing the industry's response and consumers advocates split.As expected, the FCC did not mandate technical requirements for how wireless carriers address calls that fall in areas...
In the wake of the deadly tornadoes earlier this month that ripped through Oklahoma and Kansas, the idea of using wireless technology as a warning system for natural disasters is receiving renewed attention.Douglas "Bud" Weiser, who heads a volunteer organization dedicated to establishing emergency...
Mobile phones have become commonplace in our society, but they aren't welcome every place.People increasingly have become annoyed listening to others' ringing phones and loud conversations in restaurants, on trains and even in movie theaters. And many business owners have had enough, deciding to...
As you may recall, Vice President Gore's name was floated here recently for wireless industry poster child in recognition of his staff's cache of mobile phones. Remember, Al, fund raising is your first call.Well, Gore has competition. And not from Bill Bradley. Try the...
WASHINGTON-Motorola Inc., the top American wireless manufacturer, is internally debating whether it can support what appears will be a weak U.S. position on third-generation mobile phone spectrum at the World Radiocommunication Conference next year.Motorola, according to sources, is distressed over what it regards as...
The market for broadband wireless access services is expected to grow dramatically in the next several years, and vendors are scrambling to get systems ready for the emerging market.Fixed terrestrial wireless systems are expected to generate global service revenues of nearly $10 billion during...
MIAMI-The market opportunity for international roaming is clear, present and growing, but domestic carriers so far have been focused on tapping the large and more immediate potential posed by burgeoning data traffic at home."Many of the U.S. carriers I follow have not spent a...
No matter that future wireless technology will do everything from make your coffee in the morning to balance your checkbook at night, the enduring value-revolutionary hallmark-of mobile phones remains their ability to facilitate real-time human communication, heretofore artificially restricted by twisted copper wire in...
BANGALORE, India-Although the growth of South Asia's relatively new markets has temporarily slowed due to political and financial problems, increased competition and investment have made them extremely promising. With managed competition in India, minimal competition in Pakistan and a highly deregulated market in Sri...
DENVER, United States-Students at a high school used wireless technology as a lifeline to the world from within the confines of their suburban school while two gunmen terrorized students and faculty in a rampage that left 15 dead and 23 injured.Stories of Columbine High...
DENVER-Columbine High School students last week used wireless technology as a lifeline to the world from within the confines of their Littleton, Colo., school while two gunmen terrorized students and faculty in a rampage that left 15 dead and 23 injured.Stories of students managing...
After coming off one of its worst years in history, the semiconductor industry continues to show signs of recovery.The industry finished last year with total sales of $125.6 billion, a decrease of 8.4 percent from year-end 1997 sales, according to the Semiconductor Industry Association....
CHESTERFIELD, Mo.-A new study conducted by Datacomm Research Co. and Techvest International found Internet-based e-commerce will skyrocket, but only companies that develop and implement entirely new business models will succeed."Portals to Profit: E-Commerce Business Models and Enabling Technologies," also said, among other things, wireless technology...
WASHINGTON-Two high-ranking House Science Committee Democrats have asked Energy Secretary Bill Richardson to investigate allegations of misconduct by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in connection with the licensing of a potentially revolutionary wireless technology called micropower impulse radar.A House Science Committee staff report questions...